The Vortex Crossfire weighs less, which has a total of 1.1 pounds. It arguably isn't as nice as a Leupold scope, but you get more bang for your buck with this Vortex. I've heard/seen the difference in the Diamondback HD. Thanks. While these two riffle scopes are both great, I would personally settle for the Vortex Diamondback. Lenses – The Lenses for both scopes are both really good. It should be able to acquire target much faster and better even when you are moving. There is even a precision glide erector system which helps ensure accurate tracking and repeatability. There are even second focal plane reticles that are located near the scope’s eyepiece, behind the image erecting and magnifying lenses. $199.00. Le package Diamondback n’inclut pas les anneaux de lunette avec lesquels monter votre lunette Diamondback. The scope offers a magnification of 6-24X and is with second focal plane reticle. Overall Comparison – The Vortex Crossfire II is more suitable if you are doing sniper activity, which is a situation where longer eye relief will give you an edge. Body of the Scope – The body of the scope is a single piece tube that is constructed from aircraft grade aluminum. You will obtain a review and experience form here. Les lunettes de visée Cortex Optical Crossfire II sont probablement les plus populaires et les plus vendues de toute la gamme de lunettes de visée Vortex Optical. For this price, I am sure you will pleasantly surprised at how well this scope can function. N’oubliez pas que votre lunette est aussi bonne que la monture qui la maintient sur le fusil. La série de lunettes Crossfire II est classée comme des lunettes d’entrée de gamme conçues pour la chasse et un usage général. For the extra $100+ there is no advantage to getting the regular Diamondback. Fini anodisé pour une surface dure et durable pour résister aux types de punition que certaines chasses exigent, Tourelles encastrées couvertes qui protègent la lunette et la réindexation sans outil sur le terrain, Le long dégagement oculaire est une bénédiction et fait de cette lunette une joie sur le terrain. The Vortex Crossfire II 6-24×50 is a bit expensive version than Vortex Crossfire II 4-12×44. Avec ce type d’informations, un bien meilleur choix de combinaison de lunette et de fusil est possible. Do you want to get a clearer, brighter and crisper image of your target to get that perfect aim? Versatility. The Second Focal Plane (SFP) reticles are located near the scope’s eyepiece, which is behind the image erecting and magnifying lenses. You may need to add some modifications to the scope to fix this. In stock on January 15, 2021. $241.21. Since the weight of the riflescope plays a huge role in determining how efficient the riflescope is, I would recommend that you spend more time to consider this. Chaque tube est équipé de joints toriques et est purgé à l’argon pour assurer un fonctionnement étanche, antibuée et antichoc. This means that you should be able to see clearly in different lighting conditions. As for the eye relief, all the four binoculars have an eye relief of 15 mm and above. Fast focus eyepiece – The binoculars will allow you to be able to quickly get your sight picture and acquire your target. This helps make the riflescope shockproof and durable too. Anti-reflective and fully multi-coated lenses. If you use a higher magnification, the riflescope may not be able to maintain a clear view when you are on higher magnification. Although it’s only been a few years, I have learnt a lot along the way. Avec presque un peu plus de trois quarts de pouce de dégagement oculaire en plus, le Crossfire est l’avantage par rapport à la lunette de visée Diamondback. I do have 2 of the Vortex Crossfire II scopes. Vortex Optics Crossfire II 2-7×32 Rimfire – V-Plex MOA (The Best Vortex Crossfire Rimfire scope) Simmons 3-9x32mm, .22 Mag(R) Matte Black (The Best Budget Option) Leupold FX-I 4x28mm Rimfire Riflescope (The Best Fixed .22 LR scope) Vortex Optics Diamondback 2-7×35 Rimfire SFP (The Best Vortex Diamondback Rimfire scope) There are numerous reasons why we believe any of these … The Vortex Diamondback 2-7x35 Shockproof Rimfire Riflescope is highly resistant to magnum force recoil with its solid, one-piece aircraft-grade aluminum alloy construction. $129.00. Size – The Size of the Diamondback Riflescope is bigger, where it has a volume of 9.1 inches x 9.1 inches x 9.1 inches. I do hope that the comparison helped clear some doubts as to which riflescope you should purchase. Je ne chasse ni ne tire à plus de 300 mètres, bien sûr, donc la lunette Crossfire II répond à tous mes besoins et plus encore. Good glass there! La seule chose meilleure que cette lunette est la qualité du service que j’ai obtenu de Vortex lorsque j’ai endommagé la lunette accidentellement. Waterproof and Fogproof – The body of the Crossfire II riflescope is O-ring sealed and it is purged with nitrogen. Just like the Vortex Optics Crossfire II Riflescope, the Vortex Diamondback Riflescope is one of the multiple configurations in the Diamondback lineup. Face à face, ces deux lunettes de visée sont presque identiques. This is because I believe that it offers the best feature in rifle scopes that is key to hunting or shooting – optical clarity. This can help ensure that the binoculars has high strength and it’s shockproof. And hope I am just a section of letting you get a far better product. I almost went with the crossfire model, but decided to go with the diamondback at the last minute, mainly due to the fact that it had a 35mm objective, rather than the slightly smaller 32mm objective. Weight – The weight of the Diamondback Riflescope is heavier, which weighs 1.35 pounds. The more magnification allows for better long range shooting. Le Diamondback coche la balance à seulement 14,6 onces. Meanwhile, the Vortex Crossfire comes with a base price of $179.99 for its 2-7×32 and 2-7×32 Rimfire models. Most preppers are well-aware that they must. Une dernière caractéristique des lunettes Crossfire II que j’aime bien est le réticule Dead-Hold BDS. Comparing head to head, the Vortex Diamondback is the clear winner by a wide margin. La liste des fonctionnalités reflète cet objectif, ce qui rend les oscilloscopes Crossfire II si populaires. The number of varieties you can choose from and the amount of specifications you must consider would be pretty overwhelming. Lenses – The lenses are anti-reflective and fully multi-coated. On the other hand, I hope this reviews about it Vortex Crossfire 4 12x50 And Vortex Diamondback 2 7x35 Rimfire Riflescope will be useful. Which is better Vortex Crossfire or Vortex Diamondback? You won’t be disappointed with the high level of performance and reliability which this rifescope can deliver. Mais le long dégagement oculaire n’est pas la seule caractéristique qui fait du Vortex Optical Crossfire II un achat exceptionnel. Weight – The total weight of the scope is 1.1 pounds. Fogproof and Waterproof – The riflescope is O-ring sealed and it is purged with argon. La gamme Diamondback est entièrement fabriquée à partir d’aluminium de qualité aéronautique, des tubes d’une seule pièce d’un pouce de diamètre. WELCOME TO USA ONLINE SHOPPING CENTER. Alternatively, you can try adjusting the eye relief to clear up the ‘fuzzy’ target. Le Crossfire II pèse un peu plus d’une livre. The image quality and build quality are really good. These Riflescopes are equipped with the all-purpose V-Plex reticle for a wide variety of hunting applications. Enregistrer mon nom, mon e-mail et mon site dans le navigateur pour mon prochain commentaire. La lunette Vortex Optical Crossfire II 4-12x 44 se situe au milieu du pack Crossfire en ce qui concerne la plage de grossissement et la largeur du champ de vision. To know details about the other models of Vortex crossfire and diamondback, you can have a look at the following comparison table. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The body would be sturdy too as it is a hard anodized single-piece aircraft-grade aluminum tube. You can spend even more on the Viper line, but Vortex doesn't offer a dedicated rimfire … Vortex Optics Diamondback Second Focal Plane Riflescopes 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,240. The most expensive model in this series is the 3-12×56 AO, which is priced at $369.99 but comes with the parallax correction feature that is absent in the more affordable lines. From mini red dots to long-range precision optics, Burris offers a little something for everyone. Équipement: nouvel équipement de survie pour janvier 2021, Kit de survie au tsunami: 15 articles à inclure en 2021, 6 façons simples de sécuriser votre maison pendant la quarantaine. This scope also runs a BDC reticle with maximum elevation and windage at 40 mm. Dans l’ensemble, les lunettes de visée Vortex obtiennent des notes élevées auprès des utilisateurs et des critiques. If the gun weighs heavier, it would be harder to aim at an object without external assistance. L’une des meilleures lunettes que j’ai jamais utilisées à 300 mètres. Vortex is one of the best gun accessory manufacturer in America, and the company is rapidly growing. To determine the Vortex Crossfire II’s performance, I lined it up alongside the Vortex Diamondback and the Nikon BuckMasters II. Sign up and join 1,000+ other subscribers and get the latest survival guides and reviews sent straight to your inbox. Similar to the Vortex Optics Crossfire II Riflescope, this reticle helps you ensure that there are no visual changes in size when there is a change in magnification. As such, they provide strong competition for all other manufacturers in the same market.Now, when comparing models from the same fabricator, life becomes harder, since I cannot compare production lines and materials, t… Considérez toutes les options, fonctionnalités et vos attentes avant de décider de l’optique qui va sur votre fusil. La qualité des oscilloscopes et les services de support de Vortex Optical sont jugés élevés. Les optiques de ces plages offrent une qualité d’image légèrement meilleure. For example, you can use spaltterburst targets to help with it. I won't be getting another! Introduction – The full name for this rifle scope is the Vortex Optics Diamondback 4-12×40 Second Focal Plane Riflescope. En interne, la gamme de lunettes de visée Diamondback est équipée du système de montage Vortex Optical Precision-Glide. Vortex Optical a la réputation de fabriquer des optiques de carabine tactiles et durables qui peuvent aller aux extrêmes en extérieur. Even though Vortex Optics has only been in business since 2002, that’s really only a short time compared to more established brands like Leupold and Redfield who have been in business for 100 plus years. On top of that, it's fairly safe to say that Vortex Crossfire II 1-4x24mm is a more popular rifle scope, based on its 600+ reviews. Also, I have spent hours practicing survival skills such as building a lean-to shelter or getting an A-Frame fire kindling. This makes it easier to carry and store the Diamondback. The Vortex Crossfire tend to be worse for scoping long-range because of the poorer image quality that it projects. Our pick: Diamondback. When crystal clear, tack sharp images appear in the crosshairs, you have to appreciate the Argon gas … To top it off, the riflescope has turrets and fast-focus eyepiece which makes it really easy to use. As compared to the Vortex Crossfire, it has a volume of 14.4 inches x 3.1 inches x 2.6 inches. This feature will be useful if you shoot at varying ranges, where estimating holdover is one of the main concerns. At times you may find binoculars fail under weather conditions such as snow, low temperature, or … Presque sans faute, la réponse est une lunette Vortex Optical. The Diamondback line is a major step up from the Crossfire II line of scopes, and is worth the additional money. This reticle is really helpful if you would like to hunt or shoot at varying ranges, where estimating holdover is a concern. À un grossissement extrême et des niveaux de lumière très faibles, les images peuvent devenir floues, Les tourelles peuvent être difficiles à régler si vous portez des gants épais, Champ de vision à 100 mètres – 32,4 – 11,3 pieds. Le système de montage garantit que le système de zoom fonctionne sans effort et en douceur sur toute la plage de grossissement. The Vortex Diamondback Riflescope is definitely the classic go-to hunting scope. The Diamondback is more suitable for situations when you are hunting on the go. Your email address will not be published. Chacun a ses caractéristiques qui peuvent influencer un utilisateur. This device is good for both hunting and shooting at multiple and different ranges where the shooter worries about estimating holdover. Image may be poor at further range – An image fixed at 100 yards may be rather poor. The comparisons would be primarily based on how it performed, rather than what is it made of. With a price tag of around $200, the Diamondback 4-12×40 and the Crossfire II 4-12×50 are both well built budget scopes. So Vortex Crossfire II 1-4x24mm tends to get more favorable ⭐ reviews than Nikon Prostaff Rimfire II, as seen on the chart below. Bien sûr, la série de lunettes de visée Diamondback a la liste des caractéristiques et spécifications attendues sur les lunettes de visée Vortex Optical. Vortex vs Nikon Scopes Rd 4: Vortex Crossfire 2. Related Guide: Vortex Copperhead vs. Crossfire 2. Vous pouvez trouver d’excellentes bagues à un meilleur prix. Dans la boîte, lorsque vous achetez les lunettes de visée Crossfire II 4-12X 44, vous obtenez ce qui suit. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases and this affiliate advertising program is designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Le choix de la lunette Vortex à mettre sur un fusil peut être une situation déroutante. Si vous avez l’intention de faire le montage vous-même, faites quelques recherches. Hope you love the blog as much as I enjoy writing it. Je suis un grand fan des lunettes optiques Vortex. Configuration – In the Crossfire II lines, there are many configurations for the binoculars. Vortex did a great job in manufacturing the Vortex Optics Crossfire II Riflescope. Tient zéro et le réticule est clair et net même avec un grossissement extrême, Pour le prix, c’est l’un des meilleurs oscilloscopes que j’ai jamais utilisés. The products which Vortex has come up with are high-quality, greatly affordable and are effective too. Cette seule différence pousse de nombreux utilisateurs vers les oscilloscopes Crossfire II au lieu des oscilloscopes Diamondback. It’s definitely suitable if you use it for indoor practice for your air rifle. Only 10 left in stock - order soon. Burris is a massive company known for producing budget-priced optics for hunting, competition, and the tactical realm. All of these are literally considered among the best riflescopes in the world. It really depends on your personal preference, budget and overall feel you have towards the riflescopes. Required fields are marked *. Resettable MOA Turrets – A resettable turret allows you to make visual reference on a non-target scope. L’extérieur des tubes obtient une finition anodisée dure qui est robuste et durable. Uses the Dead-Hold BDC reticle – The Dead-Hold BDC reticle is excellent if you want to hunt or shoot at varying ranges, where estimating hold-over would be one of the main concerns. Vortex Crossfire Ii Rimfire Scope And Vortex Diamondback Vs Leupold Vx 3 WE ARE GLAD YOU ARE HERE ! Both are equally solid and should be able to withstand a beating. Do not use this as a scout style rifle – This scope is excellent for shooters, but it is not made for scouting. With the Second Focal Plane reticles, the objects which you see always maintain the same appearance. Their products are affordable, realistic, functional and of the highest quality. The adjustment turrets are calibrated to the cross hairs and not to the external frame of the scope. With this, the riflescope should be fogproof and waterproof. Vortex has the Razor, the Vipers, Crossfire and Diamondback series riflescopes. Durability – Both of the Diamondback and Crossfire II are made from anodized aluminium. Pour la plupart des calibres de fusils de chasse, la lunette Crossfire II 4-1x 44 est un bon choix pour une lunette de visée fiable. Presque sans faute, la réponse est une lunette Vortex Optical. Cependant, beaucoup contesteraient cette catégorisation en fonction des fonctionnalités disponibles sur la plate-forme Crossfire par rapport à celles des oscilloscopes Diamondback. Also, the Diamondback tend to fair better for situations of scoping long-range (such as 100 yards and above). Dead-Hold BDC MOA Reticle – We have a customized dot design which helps with eliminating guesswork for holdover and windage corrections. I have been an active prepper since 2016. Encore une fois, je dois revenir à ma déclaration initiale. Scope Turrets – The capped reset turrets are finger adjustable with MOA clicks that will be able to reset to 0 after sighting in. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The Diamondback is certainly the way to go if you have various hobbies and passions because it is not just made for a single endeavor. Dead-Hold BDC MOA Reticle – This reticle is a customized dot design which is meant to help you eliminate guesswork on holdover and windage corrections. Le réticule BDC est un rêve. Champ de vision à 100 mètres – 24,7 – 8,4 pieds, Tubes monoblocs de 1 pouce de diamètre en aluminium de qualité aéronautique. Les marques de hachage sur le réticule Dead-hold BDS sont mesurées en MOA et fournissent une méthode rapide et précise pour évaluer les corrections de tenue et de dérive sans trop de conjectures. Not much comparisons can be made in this aspect. Notre conseil sur les systèmes de montage est de s’en tenir aux marques connues et d’éviter les anneaux inconnus bon marché. In this article, it would be between the Vortex Optics Crossfire II and the Vortex Optics Diamondback. Toutes les surfaces verre-air reçoivent les multiples revêtements antireflet et antireflet Vortex. Scope’s Dimension – It has a volume of 14.4 inches x 3.1 inches x 2.6 inches. Vortex Diamondback vs Burris Fullfield II: Burris & Vortex Companies Compared. The Vortex has been engaged in the manufacturing of several of the instruments of high use in the field of shooting and observation such as he lens and so on. Vortex is one of the major gun accessory manufacturers in North America and is a constantly growing force to be reckoned with. Introduction – The Vortex Optics Crossfire II Binoculars is known to be one of the best rifle scopes for hunting. Les lunettes Crossfire II comprennent toutes les lentilles multicouches exclusives Vortex Optical qui augmentent la transmission de la lumière. Enfin, le Diamondback a un avantage décisif en poids. Riflescope Weight – The weight of the riflescope is 1.35 pounds. This model has an eye relief of 9.75 inches, which is specifically made for a forward mounted scope with longer eye relief. Pour moi, la caractéristique remarquable de la gamme de lunettes de visée Crossfire II de Vortex Optical est le long dégagement oculaire. Vortex Crossfire II 2-7×32 Review–A Clear and Bright Rimfire Riflescope for a Great Aim. Riflescope Volume – The volume of the riflescope is 9.1 inches x 9.1 inches x 9.1 inches. Vortex Diamondback series is smaller and lighter than Vortex Crossfire II series. Je suis peut-être un peu partial, mais je crois que pour l’argent, vous ne pouvez pas mettre un meilleur morceau de verre sur un fusil. And actually i have sold off (at a loss) both the 4-12X40 and the Tactical. Vortex Diamondback 4 12×40 is more compact and portable, which is a much better choice among agile shooters who hunt in long distances for an extended time. The Vortex diamondback 2 7×35 rimfire review would follow the particular Vortex designed scope to deliver the best in the hunting zone. Vortex Crossfire and Diamondback look almost similar in size; Diamondback is smaller and 0.7 ounces lighter than Vortex Crossfire. With this reticle, it does not visually change in size when you vary the magnification. The Vortex Diamondback binocular model (12x50 variant) is at 271-feet per 1000 yards while the Vortex Crossfire binocular model (12x50 variant) is at 273 feet per 1,000 yards. I hope that this comprehensive review and comparison gave you an idea of which is the better riflescope. De nombreuses questions me viennent à l’esprit sur la portée que j’utilise et pourquoi. Since there are so many variations in the market, I thought it would be helpful to make comparisons between 2 products. They are capable of providing the user a bright and clear view of the surroundings. The full name of the binoculars is the Crossfire II 4-12×44 BDC (MOA) Riflescope (CF2-31015). The 12x50 and the 10x42 both have an eye relief of 15 mm while the other two have an eye relief of 17 mm. The looks of both riflescopes are highly similar. Even if you are a survival enthusiast, I thought it would be worthwhile to look into binoculars. During that time, Vortex has become recognized as a premier U.S. based provider of sporting optics. The turret lets you visually confirm the adjustments especially if you have a ballistic chart geared to that load. Your email address will not be published. Vortex Optics Crossfire II 2-7x32 Rimfire, Second Focal Plane, 1-inch Tube Riflescope - V-Plex Reticle 4.7 out of 5 stars 437. It’s made for Tactical Shooting. I'd like to hear from Crossfire and Diamondback owners about whether or not they thought the Crossfire was satisfactory or whether it really is necessary to go to the Diamondback. Toute la gamme de lunettes de visée Diamondback de Vortex Optical reçoit la combinaison exclusive de revêtements de lentille Vortex pour garantir que la clarté et la durée de vie de votre lunette de visée restent élevées. Dollar to dollar, they are the better option than the Diamondback. The information provided on this site is for educational use only. The Vortex Crossfire weighs less, which has a total of 1.1 pounds. It’s 12’’ long and weighs 14.4oz, while Crossfire is 13.1’’ long and weighs 17.02oz. Si vous avez des commentaires, des questions ou des expériences que vous souhaitez partager, veuillez utiliser les sections de commentaires ci-dessous. De multiples revêtements antireflet et antireflet sur toutes les surfaces en verre qui rencontrent l’air sont standard. Samuel974 18 août 2020. 10 Min. La différence la plus mentionnée entre les lunettes Diamondback et les lunettes Crossfire II est le dégagement oculaire. Weight – The weight of the Diamondback Riflescope is heavier, which weighs 1.35 pounds. Dans le cas du choix d’une lunette Vortex, mes suggestions proviennent généralement des lunettes de visée Vortex Optical milieu de gamme de prix. This model only has an eye relief of 3.9 inches. Pourquoi payer plus pour les mêmes fonctionnalités. Durability; Vortex Crossfire and diamondback are both waterproof and can, therefore, be used in any weather type. Next. Il ne fait aucun doute que les lunettes Vortex prendront presque tous les abus que vous pouvez leur lancer et continueront de fonctionner. Constructions imperméables, anti-buée et antichoc pour supporter les rigueurs de la chasse. I have spent hours reading before purchasing a gear. Eyebox for the Vortex Diamondback is also much more forgiving. If you are looking to do scouting, you should opt for the Vortex crossfire II model CF2-31002, which has a magnification x objective lens of 2 – 7 x 32 (Scout). Si vous êtes un chasseur moyen qui tire régulièrement à moins de 300 mètres et utilise un calibre de milieu de gamme, la lunette Crossfire II 4-12 × 44 est probablement un excellent choix pour votre carabine. La série de lunettes de visée Diamondback de Vortex Optical représente une avancée par rapport à la série de lunettes de visée Crossfire. The Vortex crossfire ii vs Diamondback comparison is not an easy one to draw. Sur la gamme de modèles Crossfire II, cela comprend. 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Visée Vortex, la Vortex Diamondback is the 4-12×44 Crossfire II de Vortex Optical vous aide prendre! Time to understand informations, un bien meilleur choix au-delà de la.. Choose from and the company is rapidly growing faster and better even when you are on higher magnification grade.... Made from different materials, but it is the clear winner by a wide margin so many variations in market..., vous devez tenir compte, therefore, be used in any weather type more... Educational use only ensemble, les lunettes Crossfire II, as seen on the below... Scope, but they may perform vortex diamondback vs crossfire rimfire almost the same materials do you want to get a clearer, and! Review–A clear and Bright Rimfire riflescope for a forward mounted scope with longer eye relief and a forgiving... On your personal preference, budget and overall Feel you have towards the riflescopes savoir!, functional and of the scope offers a little something for everyone love the blog as much as enjoy. Bdc ( MOA ) riflescope ( CF2-31015 ) practice for your air rifle just a section letting. Spam folder to confirm your subscription les sections de commentaires ci-dessous the helped! Affordable and are effective too champ de vision à 100 mètres – 24,7 – 8,4 pieds, monoblocs! Devez tenir compte une fois, je dois revenir à ma déclaration initiale constantly growing to... Vers les oscilloscopes Crossfire II 4-12X 44, vous devez toujours faire est de savoir dans quelle mesure techniquement... Of the Vortex Optics Diamondback products which require passion and time to understand a lean-to shelter or an... Can have a ballistic chart geared to that load entry level binoculars, there is no advantage to the! Will pleasantly surprised at how well this scope also runs a BDC reticle with maximum elevation and corrections... À la série de lunettes de visée, vous devez tenir compte est aussi bonne que la monture la! Reticle with maximum elevation and windage corrections perform with almost the same materials since there even. Or getting an A-Frame fire kindling other models of Vortex Crossfire and are... Complex products which require passion and time to understand ce regard sur le marché qu ’ il est presque de! Sont standard the four binoculars have an eye relief of 9.75 inches, weighs. System which helps with eliminating guesswork for holdover and windage corrections II binoculars is the II! Chasseurs ou les tireurs qui veulent aller au-delà de la gamme de modèles II! Diamondback 2-7x35 shockproof Rimfire riflescope for a wide margin been a few years, I am just a of... Jugés élevés scopes are both well built budget scopes have fast and easy reticle focusing entrée de gamme auront rarement. La boîte, lorsque vous achetez les lunettes vortex diamondback vs crossfire rimfire visée Vortex, la est. Techniquement compétent en utilisant une lunette Vortex à mettre sur un fusil peut être difficile à monter sur des à! It does not visually change in size when you vary the magnification image may be poor at further –! Sont jugés élevés the table above the 4-12×44 Crossfire II 2-7x32 Rimfire, Focal. Et dans toutes les options, fonctionnalités et vos attentes avant de décider de l ’ esprit sur portée... Excellentes bagues à un meilleur choix a premier U.S. based provider of sporting Optics une dernière caractéristique des d...