... Use your membership card or purchase a … Study Support - Studiosity Click here for … Changes to services from Monday 21 … More information is available on the Library. Please notify library staff immediately if your library card … For more information about your privacy rights at the Library, please see our Privacy page. In the interest of the health and safety of all our readers, visitors and staff, we are complying strictly with the NSW Health recommendations to protect everyone who comes through our doors. Enter your personal, address and contact details. Your date of birth will temporarily be used to identify your submission until we can assign a library card number to you. A $5 fee is charged for each item request if you are not a Cumberland City Council resident. Membership is free and available for all NSW residents of reciprocal member councils*. Lockers are available for hire for the storage of bags and belongings. visit the City of Parramatta Library or one of the branch libraries with identification with your name and current NSW residential address If you are unable to join online then visit any of our libraries with proof of identification to fill out an application form. It is the individual’s responsibility to ensure that they comply with any third party terms and conditions. If an item is damaged or lost you will still be charged the replacement cost of the item plus an $9 processing fee. Flash photography is not permitted. Please read our special conditions of entry before visiting us. The first floor has a number of study carrels for quiet study, and there are dedicated local studies and family history sections to support your research. We’ve introduced temporary online memberships for City of Sydney residents and ratepayers living in NSW, allowing you to join our library without visiting a branch. To use the eresources you must abide by the Access conditions. Bags or belongings must not be placed where they may put readers, visitors or staff at risk of injury. This document outlines the behaviour that the Library expects from its readers and visitors in all public spaces, both onsite and online. Leave the Library when requested at closing time and during emergency procedures, or if directed to do so. The City of Canada Bay is a local government area in Sydney. Readers may apply for an exemption for laptop bags. Items for loan. Damaging or misuse of Library equipment, facilities or furniture is not acceptable. We have waived all overdue library fines until 30 June 2021 in response to COVID-19. You can complete the online feedback form or pick up a feedback form at the Library. Talking on your mobile phone is not permitted in these areas. Temporary memberships are valid until 30 June 2021. It is the oldest library in Australia, being the first library established in New South Wales. Removal of any content from the Library’s social media accounts and website, as well as the decision to exit from a social media account, is at all times within the discretion of the Library. Find out more about Covid-19 case locations and testing sites. These are indicated by the icon. It is based on Library Regulation 2018 made under the Library Act 1939 (NSW). Visit our COVID-19 page for information and advice on the assistance available for NSW residents and businesses.  This code outlines the conduct we expect from readers and visitors, both onsite and when interacting with the Library online. If you are a member of a participating New South Wales public library, you can use your current public library card to register for State Library membership. Need help with your research or finding the right resource? If you are a NSW resident, you can use the eresources remotely—anywhere, anytime. To protect the collection, food and drink is not permitted in areas with Library material. This includes disconnecting Library equipment or using it for any purpose other than its intended use. The Library is committed to providing a welcoming and safe environment. Your library card can be used at Concord Library, Five Dock Library and The Learning Space at The Connection, Rhodes; ... For more details, please contact the Library on 9911 6200 or email library@canadabay.nsw.gov.au. The Library may disclose personal information in instances where another Act or law authorises us to do so. Join the Library Membership of Sutherland Shire Libraries is free and open to both residents and non-residents of the Sutherland Shire. Create a password to login to your library account. Food and drink is not permitted in the Special Collections Area of the Mitchell Library Reading Room. New South Wales residents with a Library card or a registered NSW public library card can access these resources from anywhere, anytime. Adults are required to produce 2 forms of identification, at least one with proof of current NSW address, for example a driver's licence, rates notice or utility account. You must wear a mask when attending our venues. The volume must be at a level that cannot be heard by other readers or staff. Get a Library Card With a Library card, you can request books and other collection material to use in the Library, and access an extensive range of eresources such as online journals, newpapers, mazagines and ebooks. The Library is not responsible for, nor endorses, any content that a member of the public contributes to either the Library’s website or any third party website. No bags permitted. We welcome your feedback on this policy. Phone. Temporary memberships will expire after 12 months. Children under 12 must not be left unsupervised in the Library. It is related to the Library’s policy on the Use of the State Library under Library Regulation 2018, Part 3, which outlines the use of libraries and library material and allows for the exclusion of those who breach the Regulation throughout the Library’s premises. Bottled water is permitted in the Mitchell Library Reading Room and covered drinks are permissible in other areas where signage indicates. It is your responsibility to return items by their due date and all notices are sent as a courtesy only. Alert : Face Masks Mandatory: To comply with the NSW Government Public Health Order, face masks must be worn … This information will be deleted after 28 days. For the safety of readers and visitors and for the security of the Library’s collections and buildings, surveillance cameras have been placed in public areas. We pay respect to the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of NSW, and acknowledge their continued connection to their country and culture. You can apply for this card online. Hire a self-service locker to store your bag and belongings while you're at the Library. Permission from Library staff is required before taking professional photographs or filming in the reading rooms and exhibition areas. A parent or guardian must sign membership applications for people under 18 years of age. All visitors to the State Library of NSW can use the computers, read the newspapers and magazines, and get general help from staff. Any items left unattended will be removed by Security staff. Bags larger than 30cm x 35cm x 30cm at their full size are not permitted. Find out what services are available and holiday hours. Your temporary barcode number is: To complete and activate your temporary online library membership provide a photo/scan of your proof of identity, including your current permanent address to librarymemberships@cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au If you are under 18 years old the application needs to be endorsed by a parent or guardian. across areas where people may walk. The Library aims to enable full and active participation in and access to its collections, services, programs and workspaces by the whole community including people with disability, people who are culturally and linguistically diverse and people with children in prams. To borrow and request books and other material, use e-resources, or book a study room, you'll need to apply for a free State Library card. Special Collections Area (in the Mitchell Library Reading Room)  48 Longueville Road, Lane Cove NSW 2055 Tel 99113555 ABN 42062211625 Delivery address Pick-up address *House or Unit number *Street ... Library service updates. You can apply online to join Kiama Library, then come in to the library to show some ID with your local address and collect your card. View a list of all our accounts. Email. Disruptive behaviour and excessive noise are not acceptable in any public space in the Library. Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Use of the State Library Under Library Regulation 2018, Part 3. For suggested attribution, see our copyright page. Eg. Headphones are to be used when listening to music or other multimedia. Once registered, you can use your public library card to log into eresources. All visitors to the State Library of NSW can use the computers, read the newspapers and magazines, and get general help from staff. Apply for a library card Membership at Kiama Library is free to anyone who lives, works or studies in Kiama or the Illawarra. We've prepared a range of guides to using the most popular services at the Library. The Library offers a range of services that support the information, literacy, education and recreational needs of young people. For example, Drivers Licence, Rental Agreement, Bank Statement or pension card. You are free to copy, distribute, remix and build upon this content as long as you credit the author and the State Library of NSW as the source. Further information about privacy can be obtained from the Library website at http://www.sl.nsw.gov.au/privacy. COVID-19 Update – 4 January 2020. Group discussions and mobile phone conversations may be conducted in the study rooms, but must be kept at an acceptable level that does not disturb other readers. A quiet environment for study must be maintained in the reading rooms. Bags are permitted with no size restriction. ... All these services can be accessed via the library website and are free with a library card. Check the Newtown Library hours online and come and find books, magazines, CDs, DVDs, LGBTQIA+ collection, free wifi, and much more. A Northern Beaches Library membership is free, giving you free access to a large collection of books, movies and music as well as our eCollection. The State Library of NSW provides access to these eBooks. Hiding or removing Library material from the reading rooms is not permitted. All other areas – Bags are permitted with no size restriction. As a condition of entry, you must adhere to the following: Read FAQs here       COVID-19 Safety Plan. if you are feeling unwell, please do not enter the building; if you have visited a venue with confirmed COVID-19 cases in the past 14 days, please do not enter the building. Library members can borrow up to 20 items per membership card. We provide advice and support to all public libraries and local councils in NSW. Unsociable behaviour, including harassing other readers, visitors or staff, or using offensive language is not acceptable. Personal devices used in the Library are to be appropriately maintained and safe to use. There are 7 public computers available at Manly Library, free Wi-Fi, and two low cost, print, scan and copy machines. Formal records are made of security incidents or a reader or visitor’s refusal to cooperate with staff enforcing the Reader and Visitor Code of Conduct and Library Regulation 2018. Have another form of ID ready that just has your name. If you join online at home you will need to visit one of our libraries and show proof of your identity and residential address to activate your membership, at which time you will receive your library card. Readers and visitors to the State Library both onsite and online as well as Library staff. Governor Marie Bashir Reading Room  The provision of this information is voluntary. Check out our … Have your ID ready that shows your name and current address. Ask a Librarian! It has the same application process and security features as the driver licence, and should be accepted as identification everywhere a driver licence is recognised. Serious breaches of the Regulation may result in an exclusion from library premises for a period of time and/or termination of website user account. Readers and visitors who do not comply with Library Regulation 2018 and the Reader and Visitor Code of Conduct may be directed to leave the Library and/or be excluded from interacting on the Library’s website. Treat other readers, visitors and Library staff with courtesy and respect showing regard for their needs, sensitivities and rights. Library staff do not supervise children and there is a risk that unattended children may leave the Library at any time, hurt themselves or be approached by strangers. Everything you need to know to plan your day at the Library. The State Library requires personal information in order to deliver some services. In accordance with NSW Health’s Public Health Orders, face masks are mandatory for patrons attending Council's libraries and the Customer Service desks at Council Chambers and the Waste Management facility in Thornleigh (unless exempted under the Order). To borrow and request books and other material, use e-resources, or book a study room, you'll need to apply for a free State Library card. In the interest of other readers using the Library acceptable levels of dress and personal cleanliness must be met. Incident and investigation reports and related information are treated as confidential and limited to authorised staff. Power cables must not be placed where they may put readers or staff at risk of injury. Free for reuse - unless otherwise stated, this content is licensed under  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. Residents of New South Wales who are visiting the area may become temporary members of the library. In line with advice from NSW Health we have made changes to our library services. To replace a lost library card is free. To receive a library card, when the Library reopens, please visit the Library with your interim online User ID and two forms of ID. When complete go to the information desk at the Library with your proof of identity to finalise your membership and collect your library card. State Library of NSW eResources Click here for the direct link. To make sure that you have all the information and documentation you need to complete this transaction, please visit State Library of NSW. A staff member will complete your membership and give you a library card. ... You can also use your library card to access online resources on the library webpage. Facilities. This includes the Exhibition Galleries and Lower Ground 2 of the Governor Marie Bashir Reading Room. For your convenience, the Library operates at 6 locations as well as a Book Express Service to railway commuters and has an active online presence. Inform Library staff immediately if you become aware of any risk or potential risk to people or property. When interacting with the Library on social media sites members of the public may be agreeing to terms and conditions of third parties that govern their access to and use of those platforms. In line with NSW Health rulings, the safety of our customers and staff is our top priority so we will not be resuming our Justice of the Peace service for the time being. Visit Our Other Sites Casula Powerhouse eplanning Portal Liverpool Animal Shelter Liverpool Connect Liverpool Council Liverpool Listens Liverpool Pioneers Memorial Park Language. When copying Library materials and sharing material online, you are responsible for observing the provisions of the, Library staff have the right to inspect your equipment, folders, bags or property as you enter or leave the reading rooms.Â. In line with advice from NSW Health we have made changes to our library services. If you are under 18 and your parent or guardian is unable to accompany to the library to join, fill out a Membership Form (34kb) and bring it into a library with proof of your name and current address. Managers and supervisors are responsible for managing processes relevant to this policy and communicating this policy to staff. Requests to use Library equipment for personal items including microform and CD ROMs will be considered on a case by case basis. Find out more about latest events and activities Smoking, including the use of vaporizers, is not permitted on Library premises. Your parent or guardian must sign the membership form. You can sign up in one of two ways: Identifiable images of people should be avoided in photographs or films, without their permission. Find the latest COVID-19 locationsÂ, readers and visitors exhibiting signs of illness may be asked to leave by Library staff or security;Â. readers and visitors are required to wear a face mask at all times; safe physical distancing of 1.5 metres should be maintained; you must not move the location of desks or chairs; you may leave your desk to go to other areas, but you must return to the desk that you initially occupied;Â. readers and visitors who do not comply with mandatory mask wearing, providing contract tracing details and physical distancing measures may be asked to leave by Library staff or security; aggressive and abusive behaviour will not be tolerated — read our Reader and Visitor Code of Conduct Policy statement below. Thank you for joining and welcome to our library service. Your Bayside Library card provides access to the State Library of NSW online resources, including local & international newspapers, full-text journals, magazines, online databases, eBooks and eAudiobooks. Unsupervised children can be at risk in any public place including libraries. Bring this number into your nearest library with proof of your name and current NSW address. How to apply online for your FREE NSW State Library Card How to access NSW State Library eResources Our Virtual Library by Cathy Costello is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License . Special Collections material must be handled according to Library. Internet usage must be in accordance with our, Readers and visitors are not permitted to access, download or print pornographic or offensive material and must comply with the, Participation in the interactive sections of the Library’s website must be in accordance with the. Mitchell Library Reading Room  library@liverpool.nsw.gov.au. Joining the Library It has never been easier to become a library member! Charges may apply to items acquired from institutions outside the NSW public library network. Have a question that you can’t find the answer to? The Library will maintain records of incident and investigation reports in accordance with the requirements of the State Records Act 1998 and the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and the Library’s Privacy Management Plan. Your password must be at least 8 characters long, and must not include any commonly used password. I agree that the information that I have provided is correct. Already a member of your public library? The Library is not responsible for any loss or damage that may occur to personal belongings. Enter your library card number (library card number include upper case letter followed by numbers) and PIN (DOB as DDMMYYYY) Click add title to enter a specific title/author search or browse the collection; ... eBook Public Library Collection. Register your public library card for eresources, receive the Library's monthly events & exhibitions e-newsletter, receive the Library's photography events & exhibitions e-newsletter, find out about ways to support the Library, please send me more information about becoming a Friend of the Library, Gather: connecting Aboriginal communities with collections and stories, Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Act 1995 (NSW). There is no minimum age for joining, but those under the age of 16 years require consent from their parent or guardian. Suggest an … Belongings are not to be left unattended. A staff member will complete your membership and issue you with your library card. 02 8711 7177. Exemptions to restrictions outlined in this policy will be given to individuals who present medical certification of any special circumstances. If the Library becomes aware that a member of the public is breaching the terms and conditions of a third party provider, the Library reserves the right to take action as appropriate, including (i) removing offending content from the Library’s account, where possible, and (ii) reporting the individual to the relevant authority, including the third party provider. This document outlines the behaviour that the Library expects from its readers and visitors in all public spaces, both onsite and online. Select whether you'd like to receive your library card by post or collect it at the library. The State Library of New South Wales is a large reference and research library open to the public. NSW Companion Cards are for people with a lifelong need for attendant care, for this reason we no longer issue new cards with an expiry date for people over 12 years of age To book Companion Card and accessible seating tickets through Ticketek call 1300 665 915 or Ticketmaster call 1300 446 925. In accordance with the NSW Health checklist for libraries, you must provide your details for the purposes of contact tracing. You will need to know your library card … Library equipment is for the use of Library material only. Renewals can be done by the customer in person at any library service point or by phoning one of the library branches. Liverpool, NSW 2170 Other Library Locations. A NSW Photo Card can be used as photo identification if you don't have a NSW Driver Licence. Switch your mobile phone to silent when in the reading rooms. Staff are responsible for understanding and complying with this policy. 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