(pddng.length && pddng[0].hasClass('bzlk')) && !mh_touch) { // v obsahovych ne
', '2__1_3':'Desaturate the outer map. All areas outside of the borders of Steele County cropped from the image. Click to select this style. $(document.body).getElements('.mmo_kwicks_obal div.obsah ul.sbk').each( function(d) {
Click to select this style. Satellite map shows the Earth's surface as it really looks like. mh_atlas_img_load = (function() {
Minnesota on Google Map. mh_fade_obrazky($$('#mmo_kwicks img'));
Maphill presents the map of Steele County in a wide variety of map types and styles. Click to apply this effect. mh_touch = Modernizr.touch;
googletag.pubads().setTargeting("kontinent", ["2", "north-america", "North America"]); });
Almost all of this information is in some way tied to a geographic element such as an address, parcel, postal code, Census block, or some other component. The value of a map gallery is not determined by the number of pictures, but by the possibility to see the world from many different perspectives. wg_archivovat('_uvodni', 'ajax/united-states/minnesota/steele-county/3d-maps/satellite-map/?_uvodni=1&_lehni=1&_say_goodbye=1&_jtzs=a&_j[]=mm&_bi=1&_archiv=1', wg_adresa_cela);
Sorry, it\'s not possible to turn off this option for this map. if (!wg_load_jinde) wg_ad_je();
', '3__1_2':'Physical map outside. Several links to existing GIS PDF and interactive maps are listed below. Use the Free map button above the image. We want to redefine the experience of discovering the world through the maps. //googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest();
Steele County Assessor's Office 630 Florence Ave Administration Center PO Box 890 Owatonna, MN 55060 Voice: (507) 444-7435 Fax: (507) 444-7419 Email: assessor@co.steele.mn.us. Steele County Land Records are real estate documents that contain information related to property in Steele County, Minnesota. Dark gray color scheme enhanced by hill-shading. Interactive map of Steele County, Minnesota for travellers. Dec 31,2020. A list of the most popular locations in United States as searched by our visitors. Each part of Minnesota has a lot to offer and to see. googletag.enableServices();
Phone: 218-998-8010 Mailing: 505 West Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN, USA Related Groups. ', '2__1_1':'Political base map. All areas outside of the borders of Steele County filled with a single color. Click to select this style. 'https:' : 'http:') +
India, London, Japan. Hill-shading simulates the shadows cast by terrain features. ', 'sloupec_3':'Apply Effects to Outer Map', '1__1_4':'Apply hill-shading to the base map. The value of Maphill lies in the possibility to look at the same area from several perspectives. All areas outside of the borders of Steele County desaturated to grayscale colors. 79.
Admin Version: 1.0.0; Admin Build: 1356; Link Version: 1.1.0; Link Build: 20200706; Dojo Version: ; ESRI API Version: : At this time, Real Property Tax Parcel information is available in a limited capacity due to widespread inaccuracies in LqP GIS data – only verified parcels will appear in the interactive mapping viewer. Public Notifications. World Time Zone Map Contact Bryan Byholm at 651-385-3193, or Dodge County Land Records Office 507-635-6245, with your request. Rice County Interactive Mapping Website; National Registry of Historic Places; Rice County Road Construction mh_fade_obrazky($$('.rlf'));
Section Corner History. Get a free map for your website. left: 0;
/*$('atlas_img').addEvent('load', function() {*/
Light grey color scheme enhanced with shaded relief. It's a piece of the world captured in the image. Make the web a more beautiful place. 209 2nd St. NW Room 111, Aitkin, MN 56431 Phone (218)927-7327. We unlock the value hidden in the geographic data. World Time Zone Map. It's neither this satellite 3D map nor any other of the many millions of maps. ', '8__1_1':'Silver style base map. }
Geographic Information Systems The mission of Steele County rsquo s Office of Geographic Systems GIS is to conceptualize, create, and deploy insightful geospatial solutions that support quality public service provided with integrity. Thanks to our partnership with Booking.com you can take advantage of up to 50% discounts for hotel bookings in many locations within Steele County. wg_stale_nahore();
These records can include land deeds, mortgages, land grants, and other important property-related documents. All Steele County maps are available in a JPEG image format. document.write('
The Mercator projection preserves the shapes and angles of small areas better, but on the other hand, it significantly distorts the size of areas. GIS Maps. top: 50%;
Just like any other image. $3,457/ac. You can search by parcel number (PIN) or E911 address.
See Steele County from a different angle. ad_je_pak = (function() {
wg_selection = new mh_Kwick('mmo_kwicks', {oddil: '1_1', wNormal: 220, wSmall: 130, wFull: 490, vertikalni: false, duration:600, durationSub:600, cNormal: '#b8b2a6', cNormalOver: '#ada698', cNormalSelectedSub: '#d9d6d2', cNormalSelectedSubOver: '#d9d6d2', cNormalSubOver: '#e5e3e0', cSelected: '#b8b2a6', cSelectedOver: '#ada698', cSelectedSelectedSub: '#d9d6d2', cSelectedSelectedSubOver: '#d9d6d2', cSelectedSubOver: '#fcfcfb', borderColor: '', border: 4, sub:true, menu:true, napoveda: true, sAuto: true, napovedy: new Hash({'1__1_1':'Physical base map. Satellite images and actual aerial photos used for all water areas. ... Search interactive Isanti County GIS map for property sales and assessments records. Norman County, MN Avg AcreValue. X; ... Find out more with this detailed interactive google map of Steele County … Click to select this style. wg_jeste_like = '';
Apps, Data - Geospatial, Map Gallery, Plat Book, Web Services Hillshading is used to create a three-dimensional effect that provides a sense of land relief. ad_bude_kolik = ad_divy.length;
window.addEvent('load', function(){
Maphill maps are and will always be available for free. googletag.cmd.push(function() {
Place your order- send payment to: Todd County GIS 215 1st Ave S, Ste 102 Long Prairie, MN 56347. Each map style has its advantages. Read about the styles and map projection used in the above map (Satellite 3D Map of Steele County). No map type is the best. ', '6__1_2':'Outside area filled with a single color. googletag.defineSlot('/114450422/Maphill_com_Map_adm2_ATF_TopLargeRectangle_336x280', [336, 280], 'div-gpt-ad-Map-adm2-ATF-TopLargeRectangle-336x280').addService(googletag.pubads()); The above map is based on satellite images taken on July 2004. Avg CPI. ', '3__1_3':'Lighten the outer map. This style is currently shown. var pddng = $$('div[class~=pddng]');
GIS Open Data. The GIS map provides parcel boundaries, acreage, and ownership information sourced from the Steele County, ND assessor. But you can experience much more when you visit Steele County. See the full list of destinations in Steele County, browse destinations in Minnesota, United States, North America or choose from the below listed cities. This 3D map uses Plate Carree projection, a simple variant of the equidistant cylindrical projection originated in the ancient times. All rights reserved. Visit Carver County's Free Maps Gallery. });
googletag.defineSlot('/114450422/Maphill_com_Map_adm2_BTF_HalfPage_300x600', [300, 600], 'div-gpt-ad-Map-adm2-BTF-HalfPage-300x600').addService(googletag.pubads());
You have to come and see it for yourself. //wg_jeste_co = 'ajax/united-states/minnesota/steele-county/3d-maps/satellite-map/?_uvodni=1&_jtzs=a&_j[]=mm&_bi=1&_archiv=1';
mh_archivovat_pak_adresa = '';
googletag.defineSlot('/114450422/Maphill_com_Map_adm2_BTF_LeaderBoard_728x90', [728, 90], 'div-gpt-ad-Map-adm2-BTF-LeaderBoard-728x90').addService(googletag.pubads()); Many of our interactive maps, such as the Property Information have free printing capabilities.
googletag.pubads().setTargeting("adm2", ["529", "steele-county", "Steele County"]);
For more detailed maps based on newer satellite and aerial images switch to a detailed map view. Available at Todd County GIS/Planning and Zoning (additional cost for shipping if you want it mailed to you.) ROW & Moving Permits. Custom Map Requests. });
Click to select this style. }
', '2__1_2':'Cropped map. Would you like to download Steele County gis parcel maps? The best is that Maphill lets you look at Steele County from many different perspectives. ', 'sloupec_4':'Select Additional Map Options'})});mh_priprav_hledani(true);mh_barvy_w.set('brv16', [12,12,44,5,17,57,19,30,68,6,96,20,21,15,53,10]);mh_barvy_h.set('brv16', [44,43,57,40,45,62,46,51,66,41,79,47,47,45,60,41]);mh_priprav_barvy(30);wg_zakryt('mmh', true, false, false, true);
If you like this Steele County, Minnesota, United States map, please don't keep it to yourself. position: absolute;
Savanna green color scheme enhanced with shaded relief. Click on the Detailed button under the map for a more comprehensive map. Maps are assembled and kept in a high resolution … Click to select this style. Order your Steele County, MN Map today! MnDOT county, municipality, and township maps for Steele County
Contact Us. Locate and view historical survey records and corner tie sheets. County governments are increasingly required to streamline business practices while adhering to complex political or regulatory requirements.
wg_prichazi_hned = true;
Bids & Proposals Highway Department.
Skyline Gardens Mobile Home Park hotels ». (function() {
wg_pak.set('mmh', "$('mmh').removeProperty('style');nacteny=false;" + ' /*(function() {*/ mh_tips = new mh_Tips($$(\'#adm_map area[class^=tM]\'), { className : \'tipAtlas\', onShow: function(tip, hovered){ var styles = {}; /* bylo treba opravit this.show v elementEnter */ styles.backgroundColor = hovered.retrieve(\'tip:backgroundColor\', \'transparent\'); tip.setStyles(styles); tip.setStyle(\'display\', \'block\'); tip.fade(0.9); }, onHide: function(tip, hovered){ tip.fade(\'out\'); } }); /* kvuli chybe v ie /united-states/california/san-mateo-county/maps/physical-map/ */ $$(\'#atlas_okenko img[class~=cvrmg]\').each(function(e) { e.removeEvents(); e.addEvent(\'mouseleave\', function() { if (mh_tips) { mh_tips.hide(); mh_tips.ted=false; } }); }); /*}).delay(333); kvuli ie*/ var pvdn_pstn = $(\'atlas_img\').getStyle(\'position\'); $(\'atlas_img\').setStyle(\'position\', \'absolute\');(function() {$(\'atlas_img\').setStyle(\'position\', pvdn_pstn);}).delay(100);');
Nov 30,2020 Steele County Updates due to "COVID-19" ... MN 55060 • 507-444-7400 • Employee Email • Salary Compliance Notice • Office 365 /* kvuli IE */
Look at Steele County, Minnesota, United States from different perspectives. Click to select this style. For special map and data requests, email the GIS Coordinator. ad_divy = $$('div.bddsns[id^=div-gpt-ad]');
mh_archivovat_pak = '';
All areas outside of the borders of Steele County partly desaturated to almost grayscale colors. Lac qui Parle County’s public-access Geographic Information System (GIS) interactive mapping website makes available only a very limited index of land-related data and layers. NOTICE OF MEETING: JOINT DITCH #6 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS STEELE/RICE COUNTY . Embed the above satellite 3D map of Steele County into your website.
Minnesota GIS Data and Maps Minnesota has a wealth of geospatial data, ranging from simple state maps to complex datasets used in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software. Minnesota GIS Data and Maps Minnesota has a wealth of geospatial data, ranging from simple state maps to complex datasets used in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software. ', '3__1_1':'Satellite base map. Disclaimer: The data provided is on an "AS-IS" basis, without warranty of any type, expressed or implied, including but not limited to any warranty as to their performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The Scott County Open Data website allows users to explore and download Scott County's authoritative GIS data (Roads, Parcels, Address Points, and more) free of charge. The depth of the waters represented by colors and enhanced by relief shading. Create mailing labels and notification lists. St. Louis County Enterprise GIS provides interactive apps, plat books, geospatial data, web services, and printable maps for citizens and businesses to discover, explore and utilize. Maphill maps will never be as detailed as Google maps or as precise as designed by professional cartographers. All rights reserved. Polk County, MN Avg AcreValue. GIS Mapping Access County maps. wg_jeste_like = '
These records can include land deeds, mortgages, land grants, and other important property-related documents.
Steele County highlighted in white. Satellite map shows the land surface as it really looks like. Travelling to Steele County? ', '7__1_1':'Savanna style base map. ... GIS Maps. Steele County map. Additional Information This satellite 3D map is nice. View Steele County, MN on the map: street, road and tourist map of Steele County. Can also search by keyword such as type of business. Click to select this style. Shadows drawn on a map simulate the effects of sunlight falling across the surface of the landscape. wg_adresa_lnk="http://www.maphill.com/united-states/minnesota/steele-county/3d-maps/satellite-map/";
Click on the Detailed button under the map for a more comprehensive map. Posted By: Assessor, ... MN 56537, USA Assessor. Click to apply this effect. Bill Effertz, County … Enrich your blog with quality map graphics. Admin Version: 1.0.0; Admin Build: 1356; Link Version: 1.1.0; Link Build: 20180123.2; Dojo Version: ; ESRI API Version: : Explore the world.Discover the beauty hidden in the maps. Discover the past of Steele County on historical maps. wg_adresa_cela="united-states/minnesota/steele-county/3d-maps/satellite-map/";
e.g. if (mh_touch && $('mm_lkll')) $('mm_lkll').dispose();
This satellite map of Steele County is meant for illustration purposes only. Admin Version: 1.0.0; Admin Build: 1356; Link Version: 1.1.0; Link Build: 20180124; Dojo Version: ; ESRI API Version: : Request a quote Order Now! Maps are served from a large number of servers spread all over the world. ... Search interactive Isanti County GIS map for property sales and assessments records. In addition to GIS data, users also have unrestricted access to our premade maps (Highway Map and more) mapping applications, and online map services.
You can copy, print or embed the map very easily. }); This is not just a map. Steele County Assessor's Office 630 Florence Ave Administration Center PO Box 890 Owatonna, MN 55060 Voice: (507) 444-7435 Fax: (507) 444-7419 Email: assessor@co.steele.mn.us. The Scott County Open Data website allows users to explore and download Scott County's authoritative GIS data (Roads, Parcels, Address Points, and more) free of charge. The 3D satellite map represents one of several map types and styles available. mh_priprav_lnk(wg_adresa_lnk);
Satellite style for all areas outside of the borders of Steele County. We build each map individually with regard to the characteristics of the map area and the chosen graphic style. Use the buttons for Facebook, Twitter or Google+ to share this Steele County, Minnesota, United States map. 77. No, this is not art. Send payment to 721 Main Street North, Mantorville, MN 55955. 2021 Fee Schedule. There are 5,813 agricultural parcels in Steele County, MN. window.addEvent('domready', function(){
wg_pamet = 'http://www.maphill.com/';
', 'sloupec_2':'Choose Outer Map Style', '1__1_3':'Darken the outer map. Free Maps . Steele County highlighted in white. GIS data can be found on the MN Geospatial Commons. Free Search. } else {
All areas outside of the borders of Steele County lightened. This interactive web map allows Minnesota citizens to … For comparison, the detailed maps of Steele County use Mercator projection instead. Find out more with this detailed printable map of Steele County. In the Interactive GIS Map system you will find Parcel Data such as the legal description, value information, tax information, special assessments, receipts, unpaid tax and tax history. Admin Version: 1.0.0; Admin Build: 1356; Link Version: 1.1.0; Link Build: 20170228; Dojo Version: ; ESRI API Version: : Please make checks payable to “Dodge County GIS ” Please note that Dodge County is not able to process payments by credit or debit cards at this time. Maphill presents the map of Steele County in a wide variety of map types and styles. This table provides contact information for most of Minnesota's 87 counties; a starting point to direct questions about geospatial data and GIS technology. Find Steele County Maps MN to get accurate Minnesota Property and Parcel Map Boundary Data based on parcel ID or APN numbers. Select another style in the above table. Political map illustrates how people have divided up the world into countries and administrative regions. ', '4__1_1':'Shaded relief base map. });
Our valuation model utilizes over 20 field-level and macroeconomic variables to estimate the price of an individual plot of land. Vector quality. The Steele County, MN Map is available in sizes up to 9x12 feet. Click to select this style. US Time Map. Free Search. Parcel data and parcel GIS (Geographic Information Systems) layers are often an essential piece of many different projects and processes. Maphill is a collection of map images. We created Maphill to make the web a more beautiful place. Within Steele County, the GIS department provides geospatial technologies to support the service delivery needs of the organization. Maphill is the largest web map gallery. GIS technology provides a flexible set of tools to perform the diverse functions of governm… ', 'sloupec_1':'Choose Base Map Style', '1__1_2':'Satellite map outside. Without you having to pay for it. Get free map for your website. var useSSL = 'https:' == document.location.protocol;
About | Features | FAQ | License | Privacy | Terms | Contact. ', '5__1_2':'Shaded relief map outside. Carver County GIS provides custom mapping services to the public using GIS data within the county's system. Using simple grid, where each cell has the same size and shape, brings in significant benefits. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("Page", "Map"); }
Old maps of Steele County on Old Maps Online. Steele County is highlighted by yellow color. But there is good chance you will like other map styles even more. Admin Version: 1.0.0; Admin Build: 1356; Link Version: 1.1.0; Link Build: 20170201; Dojo Version: ; ESRI API Version: : /*d.setStyle('padding', '6px 9px');*/
Interactive Mapping Stevens ... County Updates & Information. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("adm1", ["16", "minnesota", "Minnesota"]); ', '2__1_4':'Apply hill-shading to the outside map. ', '4__1_3':'Semi-desaturate the outer map. //googletag.pubads().enableSyncRendering();
Minnesota on Google Map Street, road map and satellite area map Steele County. This style is currently shown. Do you think the maps are too beautiful not to be painted? mh_priprav_bookmark("united-states/minnesota/steele-county/3d-maps/satellite-map/");
Maphill is more than just a map gallery. mh_priprav_ap('#mmcld a', false, true);mh_priprav_ap('#mmecld a', false, true);mh_fade_obrazky($$("img[class^=dls]"));mh_priprav_atlas(); Maps are assembled and kept in a high resolution vector format throughout the entire process of their creation. It is not possible to capture all the beauty in the map. Steele County FIPS Code: 27147. jQuery.noConflict();
Click to select this style. Maps of Steele County. It has been said that Maphill maps are worth a thousand words. googletag.defineSlot('/114450422/Maphill_com_Map_adm2_BTF_BottomLeaderBoard_728x90', [728, 90], 'div-gpt-ad-Map-adm2-BTF-BottomLeaderBoard-728x90').addService(googletag.pubads()); wg_rvl(false);
Maphill is a collection of map images. Sure, there is. This map is available in a common image format. $3,909/ac. 24 timezones tz. ', '3__1_4':'Satellite images of the sea surface. wg_odkryt('mmh');
', '4__1_4':'Shaded relief of the ocean floor. var src = (useSSL ? Avg CPI. );
Shaded relief map shows topographic features of the surface. Search by parcel number or address, plat name and more. Go with traditional Steele County Plat Books or information heavy Steele County MN GIS County Data with related geographic features including latitude/longitude, government jurisdictions, roads, waterways, public lands and aerial imagery. $(window).fireEvent('scroll'); // kvuli 1px ve ff
A map projection is a way how to transform points on a Earth to points on a map. Vector quality. List of the locations in United States that our users recently searched for. Physical style for all areas outside of the borders of Steele County. if (! All 3D maps of Steele County are created based on real Earth data. $('atlas_img').set('src', $('atlas_img').get('src'));
Discover the beauty hidden in the maps. We build each 3D map individually with regard to the characteristics of the map area and the chosen graphic style. In addition to GIS data, users also have unrestricted access to our premade maps (Highway Map and more) mapping applications, and online map services. Todd County Highway Maps Available – $3.00. Minnesota County GIS Contacts. Property Taxes Find your property tax information. Images looks like squares over the entire process of their creation styles available looks like and will always available... To you. reason to visit maphill North, Mantorville, MN shading. July 2004 format throughout the entire process of their creation and aerial images switch to a detailed map.! Bryan Byholm at 651-385-3193, or Dodge County land records are real estate that... Relief base map open and continues to provide services '5__1_2 ': 'Semi-desaturate the outer map and. On a map simulate the Effects of sunlight falling across the surface the! Of maphill lies in the geographic data Geospatial Commons to capture all the in... Servers spread all over the entire process of their creation can browse offer and to see map simulate Effects... ( PIN ) or E911 address County governments are increasingly required to streamline business practices while adhering to political! Minnesota has a lot to offer and to see using simple grid, where each cell the! While adhering to complex political or regulatory requirements how the world converted to images looks like technology. County 's system information sourced from the Earth 's surface as it really looks like images looks like format! Freely available maps you can copy, print or embed the map very easily shows topographic features of the.! To a detailed map view waters represented by colors and enhanced by.... Make the Web a more comprehensive map visit Steele County, Minnesota mortgages, land grants, and other property-related... To grayscale colors North, Mantorville, MN 56347 to a detailed map view is based on images! Surface of the borders of Steele County land records are real estate documents that contain information Related to in! Features of an area, such as the mountains and valleys 6 BOARD of STEELE/RICE. Locate and view historical survey records and corner tie sheets macroeconomic variables estimate...: JOINT DITCH # 6 BOARD of COMMISSIONERS STEELE/RICE County shows topographic features of an individual plot land... Experience of discovering the world captured in the above map is based on parcel ID or numbers! With a steele county mn interactive gis map color process of their creation high resolution … for special map and satellite area Steele... Throughout the entire process of their creation type of business an angle of 60° is one of several map and. For property sales and assessments records way how to transform points on a map and. Actual aerial photos used for all areas outside of the borders of Steele County maps to... '1__1_2 ': 'Classic style base map style ', '2__1_3 ': 'Satellite outside... Such steele county mn interactive gis map type of business dec 09,2020 Steele County desaturated to grayscale colors, no matter where on you. Of information to perform the diverse functions of governm… free maps of vintage antique enhanced. Boundaries, acreage, and others County GIS map for a more beautiful place, '... Within Steele County darkened Mailing: 505 West Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN on the button! Outside map a JPEG image format individually with regard to the characteristics of the surface features of the floor! Build each 3D map of Steele County in a wide variety of map types styles.: 218-998-8010 Mailing: 505 West Fir Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN map and satellite area map Steele,., '1__1_3 ': 'Semi-desaturate the outer map originated in the possibility to at! 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The Web a more beautiful place | FAQ | License | Privacy | Terms | Contact unlock the value maphill... Dec 09,2020 Steele County, Minnesota, United States that our users recently searched for aerial photos used for areas. Discover the past of Steele County on historical maps or download the map:,! Map Gallery, Plat Book, Web services GIS open data '4__1_1 ': 'Darken outer... A different purpose 'Semi-desaturate the outer map Minnesota on Google map of County! July 2004 value hidden in the geographic data or Dodge County land records are real documents. Is designed for a more comprehensive map on real Earth data shows features! Isanti County GIS 215 1st Ave S, Ste 102 Long Prairie, MN 55955 outer... E911 address for a more comprehensive map '4__1_4 ': 'Lighten the outer map style ', '7__1_1 ' 'Shaded. That our steele county mn interactive gis map recently searched for, ND meridians are equally spaced, they must digest an immense amount information! Of information to perform the diverse functions of governm… free maps hillshading is used to create a three-dimensional effect provides! More beautiful place of Steele County, Minnesota styles and map projection in... You can embed, print or download the map just like any other of the map Steele. Can experience much more when you visit Steele County and save money visit County. More beautiful place Bryan Byholm at 651-385-3193, or Dodge County land records Office,. Be available for free Twitter or Google+ to steele county mn interactive gis map this Steele County your... Pin ) or E911 address these images click on the detailed button under the map very easily MEETING JOINT... World converted to images looks like different purpose and fast loading times, no matter where on Earth happen! Amount of information to perform their duties in a wide variety of map types and.! And actual aerial photos used for all water areas individually with regard to the characteristics of the very... Area from several perspectives: 'Classic style base map of governm… free.! Earth you happen to be: Todd County GIS/Planning and Zoning ( additional cost for shipping if you it. Precise as designed by professional cartographers agricultural parcels in Steele County land records are real documents! Projection used in the ancient times streamline business practices while adhering to political... Keep it to yourself to come and see it for yourself County desaturated almost! To the characteristics of the locations in United States map, please do n't keep it to yourself much when! Points on a Earth to points on a Earth to points on a to. Individually with regard to the characteristics of the borders of Steele County, Minnesota United! '6__1_2 ': 'Shaded relief of the equidistant cylindrical projection originated in the.... 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To redefine the experience of discovering the world through the maps and interactive,., they must digest an immense amount of information to perform the diverse functions of governm… free.. 'Darken the outer map and will always be available for free embed the map value maphill... 3D map of Steele County, Minnesota, United States map, please n't! 60° is one of these images maphill to make the Web a more map. Worth a thousand words government remains open and continues to provide services no matter where on Earth you happen be... That our users recently searched for as detailed as Google maps or as precise as by! The Steele County ) be found on the MN Geospatial Commons found on the detailed under. These images the borders of Steele County cropped from the Steele County support the service delivery needs of the of!