This dream signifies your desire to resolve a problem that’s causing you pain or distress so that you can go ahead and live a happy life. The biblical meaning of having crocodile dreams is that seeing alligators or crocodiles in a dream means your capability to survive in difficult situations. Dream about a crocodile or an alligator attacking you. Seeing an alligator in a dream is a sign that these worries are bigger in your mind then they are in real life. To dream that you are raped by an alligator, indicates that you feel violated or taken advantage of in some way. How strong your emotions are will reflect on the strength of the alligator in your dreams. To dream of an alligator it can indicate... Alligators Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of alligators represents a tense or dangerous situation, a premonition that points out a problem that shakes your senses or the balance of your... Inhaling Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To be inhaling in a dream means to accept the knowledge and influences positive and external that you will receive in a way little common. is one of the leading astrology and women's lifestyle websites on the internet today. If you dreamed about an alligator attacking someone, such a dream can indicate being offensive to someone because of your lack of empathy and your reckless behavior. Alternatively, an alligator dream can show an aspect of yourself and your aggressive attitude. This dream also represents your healing powers, as well as your ability to balance all aspects of yourself. Discover you dream meanings with killing alligator. If you were bitten on the hand, you may be experiencing conflicts with scheming colleagues or having delays with your work. Alligators are very symbolic of power, dishonesty, and conflict. At you can read and find articles about everything from angel numbers, spirit animals, sacred numbers, to birthday horoscopes and more. Alligator Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To see an alligator in your dream represents the dishonesty, the deception or the false facade of a human attitude. Thus, the crocodile holds the spirit of many animals. To kill or be killed. If you dream about feeling complete terror because of the alligator, it can represent your pain and disappointment over your rivals or enemies. If you feel that the alligator is hunting you down, open your eyes and look around you. But it’s not all good when you see the alligator in your dreams. Dreaming about an alligator chasing you on land but being able to escape from it indicates your impressive ability to resolve your problems. Killing Alligator Dream Meaning. Killing An Alligators Dreams about killing alligators are an indication of defeating an enemy or eliminates a danger that threatens your … It sometimes focuses on your insensitivity as well. Alligator dreams also symbolize some kind of danger that you might soon encounter. This dream also represents good luck heading your way in the near future. You might have a friend who’s only pretending to be your good friend, but they’re really just waiting for their shot to take advantage of you. To kill an alligator in your dream also signifies that you have anger inside you, and you’re trying hard not to let your heated emotions get the better of you. When a woman dreams about the murder of an alligator, this means she will triumph over her foe in reality. Short meaning: a dream of killing alligator can reveal facility, sentiment and coalition. If you dreamed that you were terrified of the alligator but decided not to hurt it, it shows your capability to overcome even the most difficult situations. Maybe you will realize that some of the friends that you consider family will betray or deceive you. But it’s time to shake things up and inject more adventure in your life. Alligator dreams usually arise when you’re affected by the negativity of the people around you. If the alligator in your dream is hunting or running after you, it denotes that you are about to find a lot of psychic attributes about yourself. When you have this dream you have to be careful. To kill the alligator in your dream means that you hold angry feelings inside of you. This person has a strong hold on you despite your efforts to … Alligator dreams are typically connected to your emotions. If the alligator bites you when you’re not even doing anything to provoke it, it means that you still have not learned from your mistakes. Killing a crocodile – means to defeat him. Dreams about Killing an Alligator If you were trying to kill the alligator in your dream, this might be a sign that you are an intelligent person. If one kills himself, or commits suicide in fear of the consequences of his sins in a dream, it means that he is offering true repentance from his sins, though committing suicide is a major sin that will lead its author to eternal sufferings in hell-fire. You have control over your thoughts and actions, which is symbolized by having control over an alligator. The smoke symbolizes... Escalators Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of escalators represents situations that they need to be conquered or neutralized little by little and with a lot of security. To dream about a wild alligator in your dream signifies exciting new changes and fresh new starts. Alligator dreams are often complex and unique, so it’s crucial to also look at the other parts of the dream. What Does It Mean When You Have Dreams About Being Pregnant? What Does It Mean When You Have Dreams About Being Chased? You don't have time and hence it won't... Lemons Dream Interpretation and Meaning: Dreaming of lemons is omened a call of attention with possible cuttings in your personal and family expenses. Make sure you use this period to improve all aspects of your life where you have been lacking. This animal also signifies wasted potential. Killing a crocodile in the dream is a symbol victory over territorial enemies. Dreaming of killing an alligator, whether for fun or for self-defense, may seem like you have conquered your enemy; however, it often represents an avoidance of facing your fears. The dream meaning of killing an alligator. Alligators are powerful and fearsome creatures no matter the context in your dream. What Else Can Your Dreams About Alligators Mean? It mostly represents balance and the desire to attain emotional equilibrium.. Alligators are one of the most feared reptiles perfectly capable of inducing fear and horror among humans. Conversely, it also warns of dangers that can and cannot be seen. If you see yourself fleeing from an alligator in your dream, the message is you’re reluctant to face painful and troubling aspects of your subconscious. Alligator Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To see an alligator in your dream represents the dishonesty, the deception or the false facade of a human attitude. Dreams of an alligator symbolize that predatorial energy in your life, or your fear of being eaten alive, overpowered, or pulled into the swamp of your fears. Crocodiles and crocodiles are worrying symbols in dreams. Alligators in your dreams represent your ability to navigate both the physical and material worlds, as well as the subconscious world. Alligator attack. Killing Alligators. To dream of an alligator, unless you kill it, is unfavorable to all persons connected with the dream. Dreaming about killing alligator. If you killed an alligator or a crocodile in a dream, such a dream is a very good sign and might signify the end of your worries about something. It’s true that people who surround you could bring about negativity but nothing is more negative than the negativity that comes from within. If you did not kill a crocodile, then this dream might be disliked, but it is rather cautious. Another interpretation is that killing a crocodile or an alligator shows great luck. Dreams About Alligators: Here’s What They Mean, More Interpretations of Your Dreams About Alligators, Here’s What You Should Remember When You Have Dreams About Alligators. You can be calm or vicious depending on how you’re treated. Complete meanings of the killing alligator dream's symbols Alligator / Beehive, bees / Murder / Mosquitoes / Kill / Fox / Cockroaches / Bees / Birds / Boar / Flies and mosquitoes / Cockroaches / Bees / Cat / Spiders / Kill / Bee / They also symbolize the mean, treacherous, and inconsiderate people in your life. Take extra caution after you dream about it, especially when it comes to unseen dangers. If you’re trying to kill the alligator in your dream, it speaks of your intelligence and your desire to gain more knowledge. Alternatively, dreaming about the alligator can signify healing attributes or capabilities that you or someone you know might possess. It shows that your persistence effort will pay off. The Bible says that an alligator is a king over the children of pride and if you are not attacking the crocodile it … Your dreams are important messages from God! What’s the Meaning of a Dream About Your Ex. (read all at source) Psychoanalytical meaning: By Carl Jung explanation of this dream about killing alligator connotes freewheeling will, gender passion, talent and power. Sometimes, when we see a perceived enemy, we get defensive and think that the only way to survive is to kill it. Perhaps it’s your mother-in-law who adores you in public but hates you in private. If you head to the jungle and come across an alligator in the water, it signifies a new beginning for you on the horizon. Don’t worry so much about the dream’s meaning but be aware of its hidden dangers. In general, a dream about crocodile indicates that you may have a financial misunderstanding or conflict with a friend or suffer from some interpersonal estrangements in the … Perhaps your professional rivals will put you in a compromising situation that will make you look bad in the eyes of the public. The alligator in your dreams makes you aware of the opportunities present around you that can help you gain more wisdom and knowledge. If you were feeling bad recently, then things might get worse in the upcoming period. Anniversary Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of an anniversary can symbolize several things depending on the anniversary type and the context of the dream. Dreaming about an alligator signifies a period of growth and rebirth for you. To suck lemons under a tree in a dream means the... Reincarnation Dream Interpretation and Meaning: Dreaming of the reincarnation is represented the premonitions of great force manifested by the millennial cultures of the Far East. Alligator or Crocodile dream represents your boss. If the alligator takes center stage in your dream, it symbolizes a powerful enemy or opponent. ... Evangelist Joshua website is the number #1 Biblical dream meanings and dream prayers in Nigeria and Africa. Apostle David E. Taylor is a master dream interpreter and dream officer. Dreams About Alligators: Here’s What They Mean. What does killing alligator dream mean? When you dream that you tamed an alligator, it shows that you have acquired great influence and lots of power. Killing an Alligator in Your Dreams While being chased by an alligator isn’t very positive, killing the alligator is definitely better. Unless you live in a place where alligators are very common, dreams about alligators are quite uncommon. (Alligator; Thief) A crocodile in a dream represents a policeman. Alligator attacks in dreams can also symbolize a person in your life who’s leading you on or deceiving you. What is killing alligator dreams meaning? It really boils down to you and how determined you are to overcome your struggles. When you see an alligator in your dreams, it can signify your discovery of your hidden instincts, as well as your uncovering of deception and treachery. Dream Interpretation. You might even come up with an ingenious solution to the problems that are in your way. To dream of alligators or crocodiles may mean that there is something of great power lurking just below the surface of your unconscious mind. To dream of an alligator attacking you - according to the dream book, there will be a clash with a man who was considered a friend. You will recognize them as the enemy because they will lure you into thinking they have your best intentions. When an alligator figures in your dream, your subconscious is reflecting your tendencies to be insensitive and unkind. If you dreamed about taming an alligator, such a dream can be a sign of forgiveness and reconciliation with people who have hurt you or wronged you in the past. Since the animal is classified as hazardous, So no wonder the thought of seeing alligators are always related to the bad sign. It may also be a sign for you to acquire a new and better perspective on a certain situation. If the alligator in your dream looks peaceful and tame, it indicates that you have found a way to rise above your issues and acquired impressive influence and strength. These dreams also warn you against hidden dangers. If your … What’s the Meaning of Your Dreams About Choking? This can be related... Cafe Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of a cafe implies a moment of rest, a confidential desire of enjoying something pleasant or to be noticed in public. It indicates being a potential victim of some unexpected event that will alter your direction in life for good. Alligator Dream Explanation — An alligator in a dream represents a knowledgeable person who guides people from darkness unto light. Things have a way of sorting out themselves. If an alligator bites you in your dreams, it means that you need to stop worrying so much. You may dream about them, however, after watching a documentary about alligators on television or when you’re researching about them and learning about them. In any case, dreams about alligators carry powerful meanings that can help you better understand yourself and the people around you. It’s also an indication that you need to be more proactive about your financial security and stick to methods that will boost and strengthen it. If it was a deformed alligator in your dream, it suggests that you need to harness your masculine traits more often to maintain a strong demeanor. To dream of an alligator it … What does killing alligator dream mean? You need good judgment about how to move forward in a work situation. If you are seeing alligators in your dreams, this could be a clear sign that you recently had something stolen from you. Killing Dream Explanation — (Murder; Suicide) Killing in a dream represents a major sin. Even, to dream of... Back Dream Interpretation and Meaning: Dreaming of the back of your house it insinuates that you will clarify your approaches like executive and to achieve a more open mind and you are honest right... Donkey Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of a donkey represents the will or position of you in the team of the unshakable or constant in the execution of the engaged things. What’s the Meaning of your Dreams About Tornadoes? What other things happened in the dream? Killing alligator dream meanings Short meaning: a dream of killing alligator can reveal facility, sentiment and coalition. It is believed that when a crocodile eats its prey, the spirit of the animal is within the crocodile which makes it stronger. If you’re trying to kill the alligator in your dream, it speaks of your intelligence and your desire to gain more knowledge. Killing Alligator Dream Meaning. If you didn’t manage to kill the animal, such a … Dreaming of Killing an Alligator. Sometimes they can signify sexual attraction as well. Those angry feelings are eating away at you and making your normal life difficult. So, fighting with an alligator is an indication of struggling with an enemy who wants to destroy your peace or life. Maybe it’s your boss who loves your work so much that they’re not willing to let you go and apply for that promotion. Maybe this dream is trying to send you the message to try hard at working with someone you know is not to be trusted. An alligator in a dream represents a knowledgeable person who guides people from darkness unto light. A cafe symbolizes to be busy or... Cannon Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of a cannon it represents something urgent that you should approach and to solve at this time and immediately. What’s the Meaning of Your Dreams About Death? To kill a crocodile in a dream is great luck, it means that your worries are over. This kind of dreams also indicate your need for independence and just what you’re willing to do to achieve it. Discover you dream meanings with killing alligator. If you dream about alligators inside a zoo or in captivity, its meaning is that you possess traits and characteristics that make you one of a kind. What is killing alligator dreams meaning? Sometimes in cultures the crocodile is eaten and killed, even hunted. There may also be possibly harmful emotions that you are not willing to own up to or acknowledge. (Also see Crocodile) (Also see Crocodile) Killing Dream Explanation — (Murder; Suicide) Killing in a dream represents a major sin. What Does It Mean When You Have Dreams About Breaking Up? What’s the Meaning of your Dreams About Bugs? It is a dream of caution. If the alligator in the dream is biting and holding you still, it suggests that this person has a strong hold on you despite your efforts to break free from the unhealthy relationship. Crocodile or alligator, fierce and cruel, is a symbol of mighty and ferocious foe in dreams. It’s also possible that the alligator in your dream is telling you that you have been a bit confident lately. Seeing an alligator in your dream is a reflection of your emotions towards others. Just because the waters are calm doesn’t mean you will not drown in it. If you dreamed about killing an alligator, it signifies your triumph in overcoming your obstacles. How did you feel as the whole dream was playing out? If the alligator bites or finishes you off after giving chase, it symbolizes your attempts to step away from your comfort zone. It is a dream of caution. It is a symbol of change with new possibilities and new opportunities entering your life. Dreaming about killing an alligator; A dream of killing an alligator brings a positive connotation. Seeing alligators in your dream can symbolize betrayal or deception, so be on the lookout. Just remember that the bigger the size of the alligator is in your dream, the more important the issue it signifies. Dreams about alligators can also represent your aggressive attitude or your insincerity. It also speaks a lot about your ability to achieve success. In general, alligators in dreams represent your crippling fears. Alligator dreams warn you of this kind of petty and selfish behavior. A crocodile in the water in a dream represents a person no one can trust, whether he is a friend or a foe. The general dream meaning denotes a range of meanings depending on the context of the dream. It can be a sign of success or wealth through your own courage, hard work, and consistent efforts. Watch out for that person in your life who loves dishing out advice because they may be intentionally giving you bad advice so that you will make bad decisions. It’s a powerful symbol that can make people scared and silent. Watch the video for more details. It means that no matter what the enemy tries to attack you, they will never succeed. Alligator dreams in general are symbolic of power, courage, and inner strength. Alligator is a wild animal that lives in the rivers and swamps. Maybe dreaming about them is a message from your subconscious to finally start confronting your fears. Dreams about being chased by an alligator are also symbolic of your attempts to distance yourself from some dishonest people. If the alligator is running after you in your dream, it represents the fear that you have in certain aspects of your life. If crocodile or an alligator attacked you in your dream, then you might be in danger when it comes to your health. They looked terrifying, especially their sharp and terrifying jaws. This dream symbol should encourage you to look at some of your more “dangerous” emotions, memories, and experiences. The alligators in your dreams will begin to lose the power to … Something Was Stolen From You. You may be harboring anger inside your heart, and the alligator in your dream is telling you to release the anger. Dream interpretation The crocodile attack from Leila’s view is that if your crocodile bites you, it is a danger to you. Consider the details in your dream and your level of fear. This dream also indicates that people who are close to you won’t be able to do much, no matter how willing they are to help you. It also indicates that a friend you trust or a family member you love is not acting appropriately. The reincarnation means... Caveman Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of a caveman symbolizes simple and primitive feelings that identify the man from the antiquity and from their interior. Do not dismiss them or neglect them. Copyright(c) 2021, Dream Meaning: Dreams Meaning and Interpretation, All rights reserved. The alligator that you see in your dream focuses on your intuition, as well as on your spiritual insights. If you didn’t manage to kill the alligator, the message of this dream can be warning you of something that you must get rid of. On a spiritual level, dreaming about alligators can symbolize the coming together of your intelligence and power. Some cultures give the figure of the allligator some healing power. In the dream, the alligator, in its most general sense, represents situations that threaten our happiness or comfort. Because the alligator can live in both water and land, it also represents your conscious and subconscious, as well as your emotional and rational mind. Smoke Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of smoke means to prevent, to alert or to warn on complex matters to people very far from your person or of the family. God has been speaking through dreams since the beginning of time! If you dream seeing an alligator, it indicates perfidy and guile. by Kathy Freeman Last UpdatedMay 17, 2019, 3:05 pm. If you succeeded in killing it, this typically is interpreted as meaning that you are carrying the weight of anger inside of you. What’s the Meaning of a Dream About Your Girlfriend Cheating? However, it can also foretell danger in some way. This kind of dream can also signify that all your worries and problems will soon end. On the other hand, if you dream that you kill an alligator or crocodile, this could potentially mean that you feel like you are able to handle any type of challenge that may come your way. If you had a dream about killing an alligator, then this means you are going to experience some good vibes in your life. Dreaming of an alligator, unless you kill it, is unfavorable to all persons connected with the dream. You may have confidence that even if something is difficult, you will succeed in the end. An alligator dream can also symbolize your commitment to all your life goals. If you see an alligator in your dreams it means that you should be expecting some trouble: treachery, deceit and danger. The alligator is symbolic of someone who is ruthless, insensitive and treacherous. If you dreamed about an alligator, maybe such dream indicates a situation in your life that’s pushing you out of balance. Things have been certainly easy and smooth sailing. Maybe this person is creating problems for you, spreading malicious gossip, and tainting your reputation. Maybe you tend to treat people badly because you don’t get what you want from them very easily. If you were bitten on the leg, you may be having some issues with moving forward when it comes to your professional life. If you dream about a baby alligator, this signifies that you are way too kind and trusting. Maybe something is coming to the surface and you are at the precipice of some brand-new awareness. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation | Gustavus Hindman Miller . Maybe you’re dreaming about alligators because you know a person who has all these unwanted traits and it’s up to you help them change this. Killing Alligator Dream Meaning - Dreams Meanings, Alligator Dream Interpretation and Meaning, Alligators Dream Interpretation and Meaning, Inhaling Dream Interpretation and Meaning, Escalators Dream Interpretation and Meaning, Reincarnation Dream Interpretation and Meaning, Anniversary Dream Interpretation and Meaning. Everything will be going according to plan and everything you start at this point of your life will turn out to be a major success. If you dream of killing an alligator, that means you are confronting the problems going on in your life. Read More Dream Interpretation Killing An Alligator. If you dreamed about being attacked by an alligator and no one was helping, it signifies some difficulties in your path that you have no choice but to face head on. 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