Likewise, place your shot a bit further backwards if the animal is quartering away from you. To see what other stuff is on the list, check out the following article: Awesome Holiday Gifts For Hunters In 2020. If you’d like to learn more about some very popular cartridges for hunting plains game in Africa, read the articles below: 25-06 vs 6.5 Creedmoor vs 270: The Results Might Surprise You, 6.5 Creedmoor vs 308 Winchester Debate Settled. If you get it right, the animal will not run far at all after the shot. Kevin Robertson has written several books that specifically deal with this issue and are among the best resources available: The Perfect Shot (or the updated version The Perfect Shot II), both of which discuss shot placement on a variety of African game, and Africa’s Most Dangerous (which focuses on the Cape Buffalo). Where to aim on African animals. Kevin Robertson is a veterinarian as well as a professional hunter. buffalo shot placement. All shot placement images courtesy of You can order a copy through Amazon. klipspringer shot placement. Then dry fire your rifle, carefully watching your crosshairs through the click. If the animal is quartering towards you, you’ll of course need to aim a bit farther forward to compensate. Remember: good shot placement on African game (or any game for that matter) is often the difference between a good hunt and a long, frustrating, and potentially dangerous day. Forums. Shooting just behind the shoulder will work just fine on a deer, but will either nick the back of the lungs (if you’re lucky) or hit the paunch (if you’re not) on most species of plains game. From $10,500. With your hand around the sticks you can instantaneously adjust them for height and angle, or even pick them up and move a few feet to one side for a better shot angle if necessary. African Hunter Shot Placement Guide Home; Shot Placements; African Hunter Shot Placement Guide; Kudu. For almost all African plains game, this simple shot-placement rule will work: on a broadside animal aim directly above the front leg, and one-third up the body. His books are full of useful information for hunters booked on any hunt in Africa. Maybe you were. Shot placement is extremely important when Blue Wildebeest hunting. I've used and enjoyed their services. The African Hunter Shot Placement App is a new and very useful tool for a successful African hunting safari. Pick a spot several inches forward of where you would on a similar sized North American game animal. The vitals of an african antelope is located between the front legs depending on the species, some species hearts are located further back then others. The greatest benefit of homogenous copper bullets is that they penetrate well. Cape Buffalo. As the physical habitat, latitude, climate and flora of Africa differ from many other parts of the world, so do the physical features of our animals to cope with these differences. I have taken almost every African Plains game animal over there with a .300 Weatherby using a 180g Nosler Accubond, ranging from the Steenbok to the Eland, not a single animal went more than 20 yards, never a second shot required, most dropped where they stood. elephant shot placement. Follow me on Facebook The Big Game Hunting Blog, Twitter @TheBigGameHunt and Instagram The_Big_Game_Hunter. Robertson’s books made the cut for my 2020 holiday gift recommendations. With all shot placement to the heart and engine room area, it's a good idea not to use external features of the body as reference points because so often, the animal will be at an obtuse angle to you. In the end it is about practice, skill, and shot placement. Come straight up the front leg on a broadside shot. Bad shot placement on African game animals often makes for a very long day. At the same time, shot placement can also vary significantly for some species of African game. The shot was long, and I waited with bated breath as Josiah settled onto the sticks. Who knows? Download SA Price List 0. ... Plains Game Adventure. As much as one-third of their body height can be non-vital. Be sure to check out the others on how to prepare for an African safari hunt, how to choose the right caliber for hunting in Africa, additional items to take on your safari, and the importance of the follow-up shot. Hint: Hover/touch image to reveal specie and price. Shooting from tall sticks can feel incredibly unstable when you first attempt it, but with practice and correct technique, the position becomes very steady, fast and effective. If the animal is quartering toward or away from you, adjust your aim accordingly so the bullet will center the vitals that are sandwiched between those shoulders. If you need a refresher, read Shot Placement Part 1 and Part 2 before taking the quiz. South Africa: Drom: 011 27 72 118 4800 Sune: 011 27 79 873 5154. The head also moves more than any other part of the body. Gemsbok Perfect Shot. One of the biggest differences we as American hunters encounter is the fact that the vitals on African plains game sit further forward than do those on the North American wildlife we’re accustomed to hunting. kudu shot placement. It is a great resource for anyone planning to hunt in Africa⦠Shooting a lion or a leopard on or even slightly behind the shoulder could potentially result in a bullet that travels in front of the lungs and heart, which generally results in an unpleasant combination for both the hunter and the cat. When using tall sticks as support, it’s better to square your feet and body up so they are parallel or square to the target. It also dictates that you use a sturdy bullet to penetrate deeply and kill cleanly. Practice getting on the sticks, on target and steady. The only way to clear the grass for a shot is to stand and shoot off sticks. It is not, however, steady in the same sense as shooting from the prone position, and as a result, stalking within 200 yards or less before taking the shot is common across most of Africa. Feature: Jason Matzinger | Into the High Country One of the most frustrating things a bow hunter will ever encounter in their days spent chasing and hunting game is the feeling of making a perfect shot on an animal, only to have it run out of sight never to be seen again. This is for North American game hunting what Kevin Robertson's book, "The Perfect Shot" was for African game. In this quiz, youâll analyze 10 scenarios and select the right place to aim on each animal. For example, he discusses why he considers a right side quartering away shot on a Cape Buffalo acceptable, but the left side quartering away shot unacceptable due to the location of the liver relative to the stomach. For instance, cats, such as Accuracy in AfricaTall yellow grass waved thigh-high across the Thornveld, a golden sea in the evening light. african hunter shot placement app. Eland are large animals with strong bone structures, which is why you should only take a broadside shot into the chest (heart-lung area) or a quartering away-shot. You owe it to yourself and the animal to do everything possible to make a quick and ethical kill. Due to the low quality of the forage in Africa, the stomach and gut take up more room in the body cavity of those animals, forcing the lungs into a smaller space. I highly recommend purchasing one of Robertson’s books and practicing on some of those targets at the range prior to a hunt in Africa. Home. To ensure an ethical and effective kill, it is best to aim for the heart and lung area of the animal. I leveled my old Springfield across the sticks, spread my feet, steadied the crosshairs and pressed the trigger. However, if you mess it up, a Blue Wildebeest will absolutely shock you with the amount of punishment it can take before going down. A warthog was high on my bucket list of African animals to hunt, and this one’s gleaming ivory tusks had my full attention. These factors combine to present an increased risk of a wounded animal by aiming at the brain and accidentally hitting the jaw or nose, for instance. In this outstanding video a very expert hunter explains us how correctly place an hunting shot on different game. I’ve personally used Nosler AccuBond and Federal Terminal Ascent projectiles with great success. Kudu Perfect Shot. Only in specific circumstances, such as a charge situation or a close range shot on an elephant, should you aim for the brain. Read reviews from worldâs largest community for readers. 7mm Rem Mag vs 300 Win Mag: What You Know May Be Wrong, 300 Win Mag vs 338 Lapua vs 338 Win Mag: Picking the Right Heavy Hitter. A lung shot is a lung shot, but trust us, these critters are extra tough. In general, the shoulders on antelope are set a little bit farther back on the body than on deer. Elephant. Place your bullet well and they expire rapidly, but shoot one wrong and you’re in for a tough recovery job. This—bending forward—will help steady your position. The Big Game Hunting Blog is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,,,, and other Amazon stores worldwide. The real challenge is to visualize the location of the heart/lung area (also known as the “boiler room”) on an animal and properly place your shot regardless of the circumstances. Everything you did in preparation for the safari was in preparation for that one pull of the trigger. This is another aspect of preparing for the hunt that is not quite as easy as it initially sounds. Privacy Policy • Contact Us • Warnings • FAQs • © 2020 National Rifle Association of America, Remington Model 700 American Hunter Rifle Project, Women On Target® Instructional Shooting Clinics, Volunteer At The Great American Outdoor Show, Marion P. Hammer Women Of Distinction Award, Women's Wildlife Management / Conservation Scholarship, National Youth Shooting Sports Ambassadors, NRA Outstanding Achievement Youth Award Presented by Brownells, National Youth Shooting Sports Cooperative Program, Handgun Hunting: Top 5 Big-Game Cartridges, Savage Impulse: A Straight-Pull Rifle Designed for American Hunters, Head to Head: .308 Winchester vs. .30-06 Springfield, Head to Head: .25-06 Remington vs. 6.5 Creedmoor, First Look: Primary Arms GLx FFP Scope with ACSS Griffin MRAD Reticle, American Hunter's 2021 Golden Bullseye Award Winners, 2020 National Rifle Association of America. All of that hard work and preparation boils down to one instant: taking the shot on the trophy of your dreams. This book provides excellent advice on shot placement, and gives a nice overview of each game animal and conduct of the hunt. As an ethical hunter, the vast majority of your shots should be aimed at the heart/lung area of the animal. Is shot placement Important. In order to hit African game through the vitals, you must shoot them through the shoulder (see photos), not behind the shoulder like you’d shoot North American game. Either way, you’ll be in for a much longer day than if you aim for the middle of the shoulder. Here are some tips that can help you prepare for that. Skip to content. Bad shot placement on African game will often make for a very long day. TIP: For good info and trustworthy outfitters, check out "Book Your Hunt;" an outfitter-direct booking agency. A huge warthog rooted his dinner from the red Kalahari soil, occasionally popping his head up to see-level to check his surroundings for danger. While, the anatomy of most African species of antelope is not radically different from the deer and elk most Americans are used to hunting, it’s not exactly the same either. Shots with large enough caliber bullets of the proper construction will typically bring the animal down very quickly with a minimum of suffering and tracking involved. Big Five - South Africa. You may also purchase a pocket sized mini-edition of The Perfect Shot that only contains the shot placement diagrams to bring along with you on your hunt. The band of gemsbok bulls we’d been following since early morning showed briefly, black and white, stiletto horns mirage-bent toward the sky. Includes hunter's choice of five or seven animals This book discusses all the most popular North American big game species, where they are hunted, the terraine where the hunt will occur, rifle types and calibers to consider as well as appropriate bullets to select for the various species. Yes, they are and yes they will. Compared to the rest of the head, the brain is a relatively small and well protected target. The motivation for this is tall grass that submerges you when you try to go prone, or even sit or kneel. Straight up the front leg 1/3 of the way into the body. It is the point of impact on the animal where the hunter is aiming to hit. Gemsbok. As a result, the brain is a high risk target that you should only shoot at when absolutely necessary. It’s an invaluable resource for studying and visualizing good bullet placement prior to your first safari. gemsbok shot placement. 308 vs 30-06 vs 300 Win Mag: Which One Should You Hunt With? Copyright © 2021 Big Game Hunting Adventures LLC | All Rights Reserved. Let’s assume that you’ve done the other things right: you’ve got an accurate and reliable rifle shooting premium ammunition and you’ve practiced enough to hit where you’re aiming. Now available, the African Hunter Shot Placement Field Guide is A6 in size (147mm x 105mm: approx 5.7" x 4.1") and contains shot placement drawings for the 16 most commonly hunted big game and plains game species with additional digital overlays of the vitals for Buffalo, Elephant and Lion. To see what other stuff is on the list, check out the following article: how to prepare for an African safari hunt, how to choose the right caliber for hunting in Africa, 33 BEST HUNTING BOOKS EVERY HUNTER SHOULD READ, 11 BEST HUNTING EAR PROTECTION OPTIONS FOR HUNTERS, How To Prepare For An African Safari Hunt, 6.5 Creedmoor vs 243 Winchester Review & Comparison, 6.5 Creedmoor vs 7mm-08 Remington Review & Comparison, 6.5 Grendel vs 308: Everything You Need To Know, Essential Muzzleloader Supplies Every Hunter Needs In 2021, The 300 Ultra Mag (300 RUM): Your Complete Guide, 6.8 SPC vs 6.5 Grendel: What You Need To Know, 6.5 PRC: Ultimate Guide To What You Need To Know, 458 Win Mag vs 458 Lott: What You Know May Be Wrong, 5 Of The Best Traditional Muzzleloaders For Hunters In 2021, Best 22LR Ammo For Hunting, Plinking, Target Shooting & More. Robertson’s books made the cut for my 2020 holiday gift recommendations. Many of them grow rather tall bones—I believe they are called spinal processes—upright from their backbone. this video Craig Boddington shows you the best shot placement on a African Buffalo. Additionally, the fact that animals in Africa look different from American game and may be significantly larger or smaller can make shot placement more challenging since the “markers” and sense of scale that many hunters are used to using is off. Straight up the front leg 1/3 of the way into the body. With that in mind, here is the single most important piece of shot placement advice I’d give to hunters on their first African safari: On a broadside animal, aim at the middle of the shoulder about 1/3 the way up the body. Weâve created a fun way to test your shot-placement knowledge before you hit the woods. Lots of hard work and preparation goes into planning a good African safari hunt: countless trips to the range, hours spent sweating in the gym, untold hours spent making sure you have the right gear, and potentially months of research to ensure you’re booking with a highly regarded African hunting outfitter. Not only must you be able to hit what you are aiming at, but you must aim at the right part of the animal without hesitation, from virtually any angle, and in varying lighting conditions. Friday, July 10, 2020. In this article, I’ll discuss a few aspects of actually taking the shot on your trophy animal. giraffe shot placement. The hunting of the African Elephant is such a huge topic that it will be divided into three parts over the coming issues. A question often posed is if the 9,3 X 64 and the 9,3 X 74 are sufficient calibers for hunting African dangerous game? Shot placement on African species is not the same as North American game, lets find out why. Right Height: Learn what height feels best and practice adjusting the sticks to suit. THE PERFECT SHOT II A Complete Revision of the Shot Placement for African Big Game by Kevin "Doctari" Robertson 2013 Long Beach, 378pp, profuse color photos, 8.5x11, hardcover, dj ISBN: 978-1-57157-430-5 Kevin âD Below are links to some pages on the Big Game Hunting Adventures web site containing shot placement photographs taken from multiple different angles for cape buffalo as well as some of the most popular species of African plains game. That’s only half of the battle. Through my glass I watched as his bullet took the old bull squarely through the shoulders. Safari Press also produces a lineup of targets showing the bone structure and location of the vital organs for many species of big game to help hunters practice shot placement on African game before their hunt. You will find this book at the accommodations of most PH operations but you want your own to start studying early. Remember in Africa you pay for bad shot placement. As hunters, we must do everything in our power to make clean, ethical kills, so when you go on safari to Africa pay close attention to your PH’s advice on shot placement. The vast majority of your shots should be aimed at the heart/lung area when you come to hunt an african animal. Life in a brutal environment has endowed them with tough skin, hard bones and incredible tenacity of life. It is therefore to be expected when bow hunting African game that the shot placement might differ. Ensure that you take the time to learn the anatomy of the animals you are hunting so that you know exactly where to aim each and every time. If the animal is quartering toward or away from you, adjust your aim accordingly so the bullet will center the vitals that are sandwiched between those shoulders. Shot Placement. You owe it to yourself and the game you hunt to have the knowledge you will gain from this book. Hunting the African Elephant part 2 In Part I, the basics of hunting and tracking elephant as well as the location of the brain and how to go about placing oneâs bullets for a brain shot ⦠Office: 011 27 82 207 7576. Below 2200fps, all bets are off, especially if shot placement is less than ideal. For almost all African plains game, this simple shot-placement rule will work: on a broadside animal aim directly above the front leg, and one-third up the body. Here are a few tips that’ll help you perfect your technique. There’s a great book available, The Perfect Shot, that’s filled with fantastic illustrations. Shot Placement. It was a perfectly placed shot, from a difficult position, on one of the toughest plains-game animals on earth. Page Updated: June 2020. There are also a number of free resources for shot placement on African game online you can check out. This is where your pre-hunt research will pay off. Squeeze the Trigger: Just like every other type of precision shooting, you must press the trigger smoothly if you wish to hit your target. Perfect Shot Shot Placement For African Big Game book. Alternately, you can wrap your wrist around the sticks and hold your rifle by the forearm, locking it firmly down into the fork of the sticks. (Or the shoulder sits more to rearward—either way you view it, the results are the same.) While they are by no means bulletproof, bad shot placement on African game often makes for a very long day. The most common field shooting position across Africa is standing, with shooting sticks for support. Heat waves bounced and shimmered across the veldt, turning distant camelthorn trees into dancing apparitions. World's most popular community & resource for hunting in Africa. It is safe to say that when aiming at an animal from the broad side the heart will be located on the shoulder of the animal. This gives a larger area for the hunter to aim at when the animal is standing still. Hold the Sticks: Grip the sticks in a choke-hold right where they cross, and place your forefinger or thumb atop the barrel to hold it down snug. Kudu Shot Placement. Before going on safari for the first time (or any time) it’s a good idea to practice shooting from tall sticks. Square Up: Most shooters naturally turn their feet perpendicular to the target when shooting from an offhand, or standing, position. USA: 1-469-559-2669 (USA Cell only active between January and February) FAX USA: 815-361-9079. It’s also a fact that many of the African plains-game species should be shot a bit lower than we’re used to shooting our North American game. For instance, cats, such as leopards and lions, have vitals that are positioned slightly further to the rear than on antelope. Closing to within 70 yards, Jacques, my PH, set the shooting sticks and plugged his ears. The most expensive, highest quality rifle shooting the absolute best bullets will do you no good if your shot placement is wrong. This book provides excellent advice on shot placement, and gives a nice overview of each game animal and conduct of the hunt. Bullet Choice for AfricaTough hide and dense bone make shot placement important. Chest-high is best for most shooters—it’ll feel too low at first, but you’ll rapidly get used to bending forward at the waist and settling your rifle into the sticks. Bow Hunting Shot Placement, Game Vitals, and Broadhead Recommendations. In addition to shot placement, he discusses proper rifle, caliber, and bullet selection as well as providing interesting facts about African animals and discussing what to expect while hunting each animal. Since the vitals on African game are more compressed than they are in North American deer and elk, there's less leeway with shot placement. Our professional hunter (PH) Derek crouched sideways a few rapid steps, then set his shooting sticks for my son Josiah. Remember: most species of plains game in Africa are antelope, not deer. It is a great resource for anyone planning to hunt in Africa. This’ll help stabilize the rifle so it doesn’t jump around during recoil, and will enable you to make a fast follow-up shot if necessary. Kevin 'Doctari' Robertson's bestselling book on shot placement for African game, The Perfect Shot, has now been completely revised and updated with extensive additions to the text; 300 all new photographs of the animals covered and revised, detailed anatomical drawings. Postal Address: PO Box 141, Kestell 9860, South Africa E-mail your comments/questions about this site to:, For questions/comments about American Hunter magazine, please, You can contact the NRA via phone at: NRA Member Programs1-800-672-3888, To advertise on American Hunter, visit for more information. 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