Einstein's theory of general relativity tells us that the space-time we live in could take three different forms. When a new universe stops inflating, says Linde, it is still surrounded by space that is continuing to inflate. He lives in Pensacola, Florida with his wife Tanya and three children and remains excited about the tremendous opportunity to lead an apologetics ministry in the war against evolution and humanism. Facebook Twitter Subscribe. Did the "everything from nothing" misunderstanding of the Big Bang Theory get started by a prominent Young Earth Creationist author who has no significant science background (perhaps a Kent Hovind or Ken Hamm) or was it simply a case of Christian "folk science" catching on? Submit Your Blog is a blog about everything and nothing (or vice versa) where we address a variety of issues, including technology, movies, music, sports and everyday life. Most physicists now think that the universe began with the Big Bang. If everything came from nothing, I think you can argue that there was never "nothing" to begin with. We already know that particles spring into existence at the quantum level, so we might expect the universe to contain a few odds and ends. For all anyone can tell, it is possible for something to come from nothing. As weird as it seems, inflation fits the facts rather well. If the universe had not expanded so rapidly, we would expect the radiation to be patchier than it is. Perhaps it has origins similar to the YEC presumption that abiogenesis is part of the theory of evolution? Our universe may be just one grain of sand on an endless beach. This follows from the discovery, in the early 20th century, that the universe is expanding. So why did it only happen once? There is no before as time did not exist before that, nothing did. Rather than remaining perfectly smooth and continuous, space and time destabilize, churning and frothing into a foam of space-time bubbles. How did everything start from absolutely nothing? They point out that we now have an understanding of the history of the universe, and of the physical laws that describe how it works. Which came first—the stars to form the elements, or the elements to form the stars? However, also consider the following argument. From hydrogen, to carbon, to H2O to light particles, to radiation, to literally everything possible to exist within our current universe. He argued that "nothing" cannot exist by the following line of reasoning: To speak of a thing, one has to speak of a thing that exists. It's a bit like an old-fashioned measuring scale. Relevance. The cosmological argument for God is an attempt to infer God’s existence from the known facts of the universe. Pretty much every ancient culture came up with its own creation story - most of them leaving the matter in the hands of the gods - and philosophers have written reams on the subject. How did everything come from nothing? Essentially, this argument states that because everything is derived by cause and effect, something must have caused the universe to be created. Actually, it is possible for the bubble to survive. By Matt Essert. But science has had little to say about this ultimate question. Eric Hovind wants everyone to be a HERO. So which is it? godless. I sat at a table near a south-facing window that looked out across downtown Toronto. The universe is flat and why that's important. Actually your teachers left out a crucial point: this is only true on a flat surface. No one knows. Alternatively, if you draw a triangle on a surface that curves outward like a saddle, its angles will add up to less than 180 degrees. You Have Something. People are willingly ignorant! Quantum mechanics tells us that "nothing" is inherently unstable, so the initial leap from nothing to something may have been inevitable. Read about our approach to external linking. 0 0 1. if not, what started everything? Those patches were measured in 2003, and that gave astronomers a selection of triangles. However, in recent years a few physicists and cosmologists have started to tackle it. 2012-11-29 01:16:30 2012-11-29 01:16:30. Or did everything come from nothing? The big bang theory contends that the universe started from a singularity. Worse yet, leading Mormons overtly contend that matter has coexisted eternally with God. That's because only a flat universe is likely to have come from nothing. 12 Answers. In particular, it neatly explains why the cosmic microwave background, the faint remnant of radiation left over from the Big Bang, is almost perfectly uniform across the sky. This is the branch of physics that deals with very small things: atoms and even tinier particles. It is cosmology's most fundamental question: How did the universe begin? The BB is NOT a detailed account of how the universe started, but rather, a history of the universe dating back to a fraction of a second AFTER the BB happened. But it takes a huge amount of energy to make all those stars and planets. That information, they say, should give us a clue about how and why the cosmos exists. This statement flies in the face of everything we know in science today. For instance, this approach was used by Stephen Hawking at the University of Cambridge to describe black holes. What does start from scratch expression mean? It turns out that a flat universe is crucial. So to find out if the universe is flat, we need to measure the angles of a really big triangle. Nothing can produce nothing so where and how did everything start? Be the first to answer this question. Gravity might be ten times stronger or a thousand times weaker, or not exist at all. Some physicists think they can explain why the universe first formed. As yet we don't have hard evidence that other universes exist. 26 (30 June 1990): 409, Fred L. Whipple, The Mystery of Comets (Washington, D. C. : Smithsonian Institution Press, 1985), 211—213, Charles J. Lada and Frank H. Shu, “The Formation of Sunlike Stars,” Science 248, no. God makes the most sense of all the evidence. On the other hand, everything we see is definitely made of matter and not antimatter. Réponse Enregistrer. How do you get something from nothing? Definition of start from scratch in the Idioms Dictionary. They started with nothing and are now worth millions, or even billions, of dollars. You can put a heavy weight on one side, so long as it is balanced by an equal weight on the other. In other words, it was nothing – absolute nothing. 8 years ago. Not sure how time can 'start' but whatever...its not a theory thats easy to comprehend...leave it to cosmologists. If you draw a triangle on the surface of a balloon, its three angles will add up to more than 180 degrees. So how does that work? But they don’t mean nothing when they say nothing. Quantum mechanics tells us that there is no such thing as empty space. 7 comments . I always looked at religion and science this way: Religion/The Bible tells us WHAT God did and is doing, while with science we try, with our very limited (yet expanding) knowledge, to figure out HOW Our Creator did everything. Prior to that point the physical universe did not exist. 2. But this is only true in a flat universe. Wiki User Answered . Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. A surprising number of philosophers and theologians dogmatically contend that the doctrine of creation out of nothing (ex nihilo) has little scriptural support. Where did the universe get all this energy? The idea is that, a fraction of a second after the Big Bang, the quantum-sized bubble of space expanded stupendously fast. The Big Bang (BB) is the leading “theory” as to how the universe came to be. Share. What does start from scratch expression mean? In the case of the universe, the matter goes on one side of the scale, and has to be balanced by gravity. "If space and time are quantized, they can fluctuate," says Lawrence Krauss at Arizona State University in Tempe. Even the most perfect vacuum is actually filled by a roiling cloud of particles and antiparticles, which flare into existence and almost instantaneously fade back into nothingness. However, although many physical laws of the universe do generally work in a cause-and-effect way, that does not necessarily mean that God is the cause. Those universes might be profoundly different to ours. Started from NOthing. He thinks universes have always been springing into existence, and that this process will continue forever. But at this moment none of those things can exist in this “ocean”, because it is all perfectly balanced out, and divided and seperated by equal distances from each other. Then the resulting tiny bubble of space-time could have burgeoned into a massive, busy universe, thanks to inflation. Answer Save. Nothing Created Everything: The Scientific Impossibility of Atheistic Evolution by Ray Comfort. At one second, the Universe grows to about a thousand times the size of our Solar System today and the temperature drops to 1 MeV, equivalent to 10 000 million degrees. The universe behaving as a bubble gives a cosmos that was created from from nothing which Steven Hawking argued in a recent book he wrote on this subject and how to view recent ideas in … apparently...time had a beginning, and matter/energy was there at the start of time. The answer to what caused the BB in the first place, has yet to … As a result, we know that on the largest observable scale our universe is flat. 1. Regardless of whether you have something or nothing now, as long as you take the steps to put the pieces in place, you will get to where you want to be. This Nothing can be complete emptiness, a primal egg, or even a struggle between chaos and order. They are equivocating, which is a logical fallacy. It’s really remarkable.”5. You might remember from maths class that the three angles of a triangle add up to exactly 180 degrees. Anonymous. April 26, 2014. Guth calls inflation "the ultimate free lunch". One of the earliest Western philosophers to consider nothing as a concept was Parmenides (5th century BC), who was a Greek philosopher of the monist school. There could be a mind-boggling smorgasbord of universes. Many evolutionists don’t even believe this or at least admit that there is a serious problem when it comes to getting something from nothing. Nothing we observe. Many scientists assume that the universe came from nothing, which is an idea that can only be true in light of quantum theory. According to evolution, chemical evolution can take place in stars because of “fusion.” However, now we have a very serious chicken and egg problem. So it's not just particles and antiparticles that can snap in and out of nothingness: bubbles of space-time can do the same. start from scratch phrase. Our best theory for describing such large-scale structures is general relativity, Albert Einstein's crowning achievement, which sets out how space, time and gravity work. Top Answer. We can attribute this existence to a First Cause i.e. Here's how we know. Proposez votre blog est un blog à propos de tout et de rien (ou vice-versa) lorsque nous nous adressons à une variété de questions, y compris la technologie, cinéma, musique, sports et vie quotidienne. Close. But it sells a lot of books. If the universe had been curved, the two sums would not cancel out. Linde offers a simple but mind-bending answer. If one space-time bubble popped into existence and inflated to form our universe, what kept other bubbles from doing the same? That inflating space can spawn more universes, with yet more inflating space around them. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the Universe exists, why we exist.” This statement flies in the face of everything we know in science today. Posted by 1 month ago. View image of (Credit: NASA, ESA, M. Postman (STScI), CLASH Team, Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)) Particles from … It could curve back on itself like the surface of a sphere, in which case if you travel far enough in the same direction you would end up back where you started. It turns out this is also crucial for understanding how the cosmos came from nothing. Be the first to answer! 4955 (4 May 1990):564, Roger A. Windhorst, as quoted by Corey S. Powell, “A Matter of Timing,” Scientific American 267 (October 1992):30. During the Big Bang, our universe sprang into existence out of nothingness. It had to happen, they say, because "nothing" is inherently unstable. People have wrestled with the mystery of why the universe exists for thousands of years. Surely, even if a bubble formed, it would be doomed to disappear again in the blink of an eye? 1. Here, then, is how everything could have come from nothing. When the expansion finally slowed, the force field that had powered it was transformed into the matter and energy that fill the universe today. It is an immensely successful theory, and it underpins most modern electronic gadgets. President and Founder of Pensacola-based organization, Creation Today, Eric’s passion to reach people with the life-changing message of the Gospel has driven him to speak in five foreign countries and all fifty states. In an incredibly brief moment, it went from being smaller than the nucleus of an atom to the size of a grain of sand. Big Bang theory does not actually say that the universe came from nothing. It could be as flat as a table top. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the Universe exists, why we exist.”. That's because every object in the universe creates gravity, pulling other objects toward it. From tiny things like atoms, to really big things like galaxies. When I first conceived of this article, I was sitting at a café, working on the overall structure of my upcoming Shoulder Flexibility Solution, tweaking it to make it flow logically and seamlessly. God created the universe ex nihilo (from nothing), the theologians tell us, but he did it, he was the acting force behind it. In quantum physics, if something is not forbidden, it necessarily happens. 16 réponses. If they are right, our entire cosmos may have sprung out of nothing at all. That's where inflation comes in. Pertinence. At this point, making a universe looks almost easy. In his latest book The Grand Design, Steven Hawking writes, “Because there is a law such as gravity, the Universe can and will create itself from nothing. A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather than Nothing is a non-fiction book by the physicist Lawrence M. Krauss, initially published on January 10, 2012 by Free Press. Answer. Physicists have calculated that in a flat universe the energy of matter is exactly balanced by the energy of the gravity the mass creates. II Peter 3 is coming to light more and more! In his latest book The Grand Design, Steven Hawking writes, “Because there is a law such as gravity, the Universe can and will create itself from nothing. Not every creation myth uses divine intervention or supposes that time started … share. (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[1]='NAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[3]='MMERGE3';ftypes[3]='text';fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[2]='ZIP';ftypes[2]='zip';fnames[4]='SIGNUP';ftypes[4]='text';fnames[5]='FNAME';ftypes[5]='text';fnames[6]='LNAME';ftypes[6]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Eric Hovind grew up immersed in the world of apologetics and following college graduation in 1999, he began full-time ministry. Here, then, is how everything could have come from nothing. At first all the matter and energy in the universe was crammed together in one unimaginably small dot, and this exploded. These so-called virtual particles don't last long enough to be observed directly, but we know they exist by their effects. If all the galaxies are flying apart, they must once have been close together. Was there alway something and if yes where does it come from? The individuals on this list have many traits in common – they’re willing to work harder than anyone else, they’re willing to take a risk on an idea they believe in, they’re willing to follow their gut even if everyone else is telling them they’ll never make it. The study of the origins of life remains a topic for ongoing debate. If you follow events backwards through time, you will always find a preceding event that led to it, … If all the galaxies are flying apart, they must once have been close together. Bizarrely, it may not have had to get any. This seemingly outlandish notion was put forward in the 1980s by Alan Guth at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and refined by Andrei Linde, now at Stanford University. One of the most challenging questions in basic … The notion that God created everything from nothing has fallen on hard times. D id everything come from nothing? asially, I have fused my understanding of the TMU with my own philosophy. 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