Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. This book is in my Amazon cart and has been shared via email with his grandma so that they have a copy, too! Theres an Alligator Under my Bed is a book about a young boy who had an alligator under his bed. Despite having checked out 8 books from our library (this being one of them) yesterday, he has consistently picked this one to read - and ignoring the rest, even though they're all books that reflect his current interests. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. There was an alligator under the child’s bed, at least according to him. Good book for a read aloud around ages of first grade. I've been taking the kids to the library about once a week for their fun story time, and to grab some books for them to read. There was an alligator under the child’s bed, at least according to him. The boy followed him as he ate up the trail and when he went into the garage he sl. ( Log Out / He realized if he wanted it gone he would have to take care of it himself so he went to the kitchen and took all the food he though an alligator would like and led a trail from his room to the garage. So I went to the cocina to get some alligator bait. I had to run and jump to get into bed every night. Good thing he out trick that alligator though. Pingback: Mercer Mayer’s Monster Books | Picture This Book. Mercer Mayer does a great job of opening up kids imaginations because this book will make kids laugh as well as be intrigued by the sense of adventure with this alligator. But whenever I looked, he hid...or something. This book is FANTASTIC! A positive way to deal with nightmares that's based on pure fun. Just not my thing. It was super cute, and humorous. My toddler is obsessed with this book - we have read it at least five times in the last two days. Rooftops online learning zone. Not only is it written by one of my favorite children's authors, it is such a cute story! There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Not sure if this is the best story to read to younger children! Refresh and try again. As an adult aged reader, that was a surprise to me, but to a child reader I bet this was no surprise at all, of course the alligator came out to get food! So the little boy called his mom and dad to have a look. by Dial Books. When it \r was time to go to sleep, 1 had to be very careful so Id \r \r call Mom and Dad. All textual content on this website ©Picture This Book, 2019. And the tactics he uses to lure the alligator out and into the garage, are classic. (Hint: leave the bunny slippers on the bedside. ( Log Out / This story would be great for further discussions such as "What would you do if you had an alligator under your bed? To see what your friends thought of this book. It's about this boy who thinks there's an Alligator under his bed, but his parents don't see it. However, whenever he called his parents into the room they couldn't find it. The somewhat old-fashioned illustrations are also great, and the look of pure victorious glee on the boy’s face towards the end of the book is just priceless. PDF download. Good thing the boy is smart enough to trick the alligator. Good book for a read aloud around ages of first grade. I guess the idea of the monster being real wasn't surprising to me, and it also wasn't charming. The illustrations reminded me of a coloring book, thicker black lines created the image and then the colors on the page filled them in. Ironically I only discovered picture books when I had kids, but I guess better late than never! Back then, I felt I was the only one with the dumb idea. There’s an Alligator Under My Bed by Mercer Mayer, Mercer Mayer’s Monster Books | Picture This Book, Follow Picture This Book on, Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons by Eric Litwin and James Dean, There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly by Simms Taback, Picture This Author: The Terribly Terrific Mac Barnett, In My Heart by Jo Witek and Christine Roussey, Lenny & Lucy by Philip C. Stead and Erin E. Stead, Thank You and Good Night by Patrick McDonnell. I loved this book because it is silly and imaginative. Matching Little boy Alligator Green and scaly Small and frighten Multiple Choice What did the little boy leave for his dad? There is no solid moral to the story; however it is a good lesson in imagination. So I went to the kitchen to get some alligator bait. Children’s minds truly work this way, they do these things and they believe that there is a monster of some kind under their bed. This is a great book about a child who could not fall asleep because there was an alligator under his bed. I love this story. But they never saw it. I'd love a sequel to this entertaining story. lol This would've scared the bejeezus out of me as a kid. My toddler is obsessed with this book - we have read it at least five times in the last two days. download 1 file . Thank you Dennis Lee) would eat to monsters under the bed. There used to be an alligator under my rug bed desk . It is so fun to read it now with my own kids. Back then, I felt I was the only one with the dumb idea. I loved this story, the sweet and humorous illustrations, and the resourceful kid who solved the problem of that pesky alligator under his bed--all by himself! I would say the theme of the story is fear and overcoming that fear, because the little boy is scared to death of the alligator under his bed and learns that in order to sleep well he needs to overcome this fear and get the alligator out from under his bed and away from his room. Despite having checked out 8 books from our library (this being one of them) yesterday, he has consistently picked this one to read - and ignoring the rest, even though they're all books that reflect his current interests. Newer Post Older Post Home. I definitely recommend this one! download 1 file . I love monster-themed picture books, but for some reason this one just didn't really do it for me. I just had to do something about that alligator \r \r So 1 went to the kitchen to get some alligator bait. Like most kid's in the 70s, I tended to dread the monster underneath my bed mattress. It's starts out with a young boy who does not want to go to bed, but not because of all the traditional reasons kids try to stay awake. "There's an Alligator Under my Bed", is a great story that gives students the opportunity to share what their solution would be if there was an alligator under their bed! Immediately afterwards she told me I could take it back to the library. The illustration in this book are so fun! He makes a trail of food which leads the alligator outside and into the garage, which then he warns by leaving notes all over the garage door. ( Log Out / Possible mistake. The young boy gets clever to lure out the Alligator to get it in the garage. Helpful. For the pre-school to 2nd grade crowd and people like me who still close the closet doors at night so nothing can jump out... a picture book about a kid whose parents won't validate his claims that there is an alligator under his bed. The boy followed him as he ate up the trail and when he went into the garage he slammed the door shut. Another favorite! Our blog at a glance. As he proudly regales us with the story, we see that instead of waiting for someone else to solve the problem or remaining paralysed by fear, the spunky boy had bravely taken matters into his own hands and successfully carried out a plan to get the alligator out of his room. It's just darling. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys fun, easy children's books. I liked how the main character was able to solve the problem on his own. I like Mercer Mayer's stories and this has a catchy title, so we checked it out at the library. Theres an Alligator Under my Bed is a book about a young boy who had an alligator under his bed. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published Thus, books like this can help by using humour and positive imagination to vicariously inspire kids to conquer their own fears. KINDLE download. Obviously, due to the. Great story and lovely illustrations. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading There's an Alligator under My Bed. Theres an Alligator Under my Bed is a book about a young boy who had an alligator under his bed. That little boy mind imagination was so real to him. The text and the illustrations work really well together because the illustrator did such a good job of capturing the emotion of the young boy and the alligator. So darn cute! download 1 file . I also liked how he was worried about his dad so he left a note warning him about the alligator that is now in the garage. Gators like to eat bunnies!!! The young boy gets clever to lure out the Alligator to get it in the garage. Email This BlogThis! At the end he leaves a note for his parents letting them know about the alligator in the garage. This is a fun book to read to children that have problems with sleeping on their own. I just had to do something about that alligator. There's An Alligator Under My Bed (Book) : Mayer, Mercer : The alligator under his bed makes a boy's bedtime hazardous operation, until he lures it out of the house and into the garage. I liked however, that there was a surprise. It was up to me. I began illustrating books in 1966. I love the style of the illustrations and the logic of the narrator. The colors of the images were darker, which helped express that it was night time in the story. Despite the title being in the present tense, There’s an Alligator under My Bed starts off with the young protagonist declaring matter-of-factly that “There used to be an alligator under my bed”, which immediately turns the typical childhood-fear story on its head, since all the ‘action’ is told in retrospect, and we know from the start that the boy had already somehow vanquished the threat. He realized if he wanted it gone he would have to take care of it himself so he went to the kitchen and took all the food he though an alligator would like and led a trail from his room to the garage. This is a super cute book about a little boy that believes there is an alligator under his bed. This book is highly relatable, so students could also talk about an experience they had when they were younger and believed there was something hiding out under their bed. This one is a fun fantasy about a kid who has a problem: there's an alligator under his bed. When it was time to go to sleep, I had to be very careful, because I … This book would be great for a young child, there are a few more difficult words but for the most part they are quite simple and repetitive. As it turns out....well, y'know. And, unfortunately, once certain fears take hold, it can be hard for the child to overcome them. Example: Was the alligator really just the family dog? There's an Alligator Under My Bed | The There's a Nightmare In My Closet, bringing back that story's imaginative young hero for an even funnier nighttime adventure. Berry enjoyed this enough until we read it at bedtime. Yet another book aimed at instilling fear in children. I left fresh vegetables on the stairs. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. THERE'S AN ALLIGATOR UNDER MY BED Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. ( Log Out / In the classroom it could be used to spur a discussion about imagination, and whether or not the students think the alligator was real. Start by marking “There's an Alligator under My Bed” as Want to Read: Error rating book. It was a pretty good read and can be used in a classroom in multiple ways. So I'd call Mom and Dad. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Date Chart. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. A simple and straightforward little story with humor to read before bedtime. As an adult aged reader, that was a surprise to me, but to a child reader I bet this was no surprise at all, of course the alligator came out to get food! Once he locks him in the garage he worries his dad will have trouble in the morning so he writes him a note. [full download] theres an alligator under my bed [full download] theres an alligator under my bed PDF Book Theres An Alligator Under My Bed Proper feels, proper facts, and proper topics may become the reasons of why you get into a book But, to make you character as a result satisfied, you can take on [RTF] Theres An Alligator Under My Bed as THERES AN ALLIGATOR UNDER MY BED \r \r There used to he an alligator under my bed. Relocation makes this another winner of a book from Mercer Mayer. There's An Alligator Under My Bed The picture book There's An Alligator Under My Bed is both written and illustrated by Mercer Mayer. This story is a favorite! We’d love your help. Every night he is terrified by this creature that manages to evade everyone else's eyeballs. Haha! etiquetas: food, house, Pri 3, Pri 4, story, video. The story There's An Alligator Under My Bed by Mercer Mayer is a great story to use in a primary classroom. The vocabulary is not particularly difficult, and there is only a small amount of text on each page. When it was time to go to sleep, he had to be very careful. This was a really cute story. This book explores conf. The boy in Mercer Meyer's story seems to relate to us on this level, since he has what he believes to be a big old alligator under his bed, only THIS kid has a plan to trap it and lock it away for life, before dad wakes up. It truly shows how creative a child's mind can be. I love this book, all the way from my own childhood to now reading it to my little child! Fantastic story about a kid who shows some initiative to get rid of the alligator under his bed. But whenever he looked, the alligator hid or something. It shows how the child uses his imagination to solve the problem of the alligator being under his bed as well as the emotions he feels from being scared to being worried about how his father will deal with the alligator because it is now in the garage. See more ideas about art for kids, alligator, animal crafts. The illustrations are simple yet wonderful and the story always has heart. This book is FANTASTIC! The alligator came out and ate everything. This book was super cute, when it came to the text in the book it was super simple but the illustrations really brought in a lot of color and explanation into the book! No, this poor boy has an alligator under his bed! ), This is a great book about a child who could not fall asleep because there was an alligator under his bed. Consider if the child would enjoy the book or if he/she is too young to understand that it's not real. The story There's An Alligator Under My Bed by Mercer Mayer is a great story to use in a primary classroom. What I love most about this story is how sure the little boy is that there actually is an alligator under his bed. He makes a trail of food which leads the alligator outside and into the garage, which then he warns by leaving notes all over the garage door. They tell even more of a story just by looking at them. The book gleams with crisp full-color watercolor illustrations, and the alligator has just the right touch ... now my little one loves it too. I particularly enjoyed the boy’s narrative, which hilariously captures the way a child would think and act. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. It's starts out with a young boy who does not want to go to bed, but not because of all the traditional reasons kids try to stay awake. Mercer Mayer does a great job of opening up kids imaginations because this book will make kids laugh as well as be intrigued by the sense of adventure with this alligat. Now I'm a big kid and I write about things that happen now, especially with my own children. He decides to lure him out and into the garage with food. ... Children who cannot read yet and just want to enjoy the pictures would still be able to understand the idea behind the story. Learning Phonics. I also liked that the plan he devised was creative yet not too elaborate, and imaginable for children to carry out in real life, since this makes the story believable and relatable to them. No comments: Post a comment. Since that time I have published over 300 books. There used to be an alligator under my bed. Read more. There's an Alligator under My Bed is a classic children's book that I was read to when I was very young. I loved this book! There's An Alligator Under My Bed-Story Time Email This BlogThis! LITTLE CRITTER, MERCER MAYER'S LITTLE CRITTER, and MERCER MAYER'S LITTLE CRITTER Logo are registered trademarks of He realized if he wanted it gone he would have to take care of it himself so he went to the kitchen and took all the food he though an alligator would like and led a trail from his room to the garage. March 30th 1987 STORY: THERE ´S AN ALLIGATOR UNDER MY BED Posted by Fátima at Thursday, February 07, 2013. True/False Fill in the Blank The _____ was under the Cool illustrations, but I think a kid could get scared reading this. Mercer Meyer is always a favorite. This book has great illustrations and a great plot. Candy a note Flowers Cookie Short Answer List 3 foods the little boy used to trap the alligator. I adore picture books and will never outgrow them. The little boy and his red pajamas stand out against the bed time setting. Students will use visual icons to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text and to answer WH Questions. We got to discussing everything from what kind of pie an alligator (Alligator pie? (It's best to trap it nicely, as alligators are kinda an endangered species even in nightmares, and besides gators are kinda cute!) This book explores confronting your fears, and recognizing the reality children feel when facing an imaginary terror. But they never saw it. I recommend as a read aloud, a book for parents to share with children, or a book for beginning readers. This book is in my Amazon cart and has been shared via email with. It was up to \r me. Report abuse. There's an Alligator under My Bed is a classic children's book that I was read to when I was very young. All together the story line is interesting, and the coloring book-like drawings are visually appealing. Now listen to the story again and choose the correct words. Writing graphic organizer based on book. The boy in Mercer Meyer's story seems to relate to us on this level, since he has what he believes to be a big old alligator under his bed, only THIS kid has a plan to trap it and lock it away for life, before dad wakes up. Students use visual icons to select subject and predicate. I put a peanut butter sandwich, some fruit and the last piece of pie in the garage. I did a read-aloud to a group of grade six kids today using this book. Emma picked the book, "There's an Alligator Under My Bed." The alligator came out and ate everything. It shows how the child uses his imagination to solve the problem of the alligator being under his bed as well as the emotions he feels from being scared to being worried about how his father will deal with the alligator because it is now in the. This book is about a young boy who has an alligator under his bed but every time that he is scared and tries to show his parents, they do not see it. I think it actually scared our 6 year old, but I was able to convince her that there are no alligators in Hawaii, so it wasn't overly traumatic. He was scared, but instead of just sitting there and worrying he was able to come up with a solution to solve the problem. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. It's a cute little book. I use this story in my classroom and created 2 sets of comprehension questions to check for understanding (2 pages for each set).The first set is designed for grades 1-2 (responding by writin "How would you get the alligator out of your room?". I honestly think I liked this book most for its insight into a child’s mind. Every night he is terrified by this creature that manages to evade everyone else's eyeballs. The illustrations are beautiful, and the plot is amusing. This book is about a young boy who has an alligator under his bed but every time that he is scared and tries to show his parents, they do not see it. I don't know. Change ). The book does a great job of showing how a child may go about solving a problem when they are frightened, even if the situation is real or made up. EMBED EMBED (for wordpress ... FULL TEXT download. I would say the theme of the story is fear and overcoming that. ___3)The little boy's parents saw the alligator too. I recommend this book because although the lines are simple, it is a fun and enjoyable read for young children and would be a good book for parents to read to young children. I've loved Mercer Mayer since I first read the Little Critter series years and years ago. THERE'S AN ALLIGATOR UNDER MY BED.Listen to the story and answer the questions.1)The little boy was afraid because of ___2)Where did he think the alligator was? I use this story in my classroom and created 2 sets of comprehension questions to check for understanding (2 pages for each set).The first set is designed for grades 1-2 (responding by writin He solves his issue so that he is able to go to bed, but also worries about his dad and his safety which is very sweet! Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this website’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. I filled a paper bag full of things alligators like to eat. No comments: Post a Comment. A child’s active imagination can be a double-edged sword since that’s how many common childhood fears are founded. So… The There's a Nightmare In My Closet, bringing back that story's imaginative young hero for an even funnier nighttime adventure. The whole story is mainly about a little boy, who always believed there used to be an alligator under his bed. 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