As you had previously stated....Buddhism and Christianity do have a core of commonality based on the syncretic nature of oral traditions which later became written teachings. 4) The way they collect titlings further proved the scam(for money). ~1704 – Mary Boulton b. Kind of weird but he and I kind or live in a spiritual world more that most. Catherine Giordano (author) from Orlando Florida on February 07, 2018: Jonathan: Thanks for letting me know you liked it. Later, Catholics and Islam made it bigger by suggesting donation of percentage of income. This is why they rather spend more time during mass and don't just use a stationed money box like Buddhism, Hinduism or Chinese temples. These routes were known as The Silk Road (or Silk Route), the Incense Route, and the Spice Route. I noticed that you to put the word in quotes also. Christianity is definitely an evil religion using "love and forgiveness" to camouflage. 13) The Bible is full of lust(Sodomon's part), evil and violence. 1300 – Alice de Hales/Halys Countess of Norfolk b. Im not saying believe everything it talks about. (BTW, the message did not originate with Buddha. Now just their names, similar stories too. The saying goes, when in Rome. This idea heyday was in the late 19th and early 20th century, when it seemed to fit with some early anthropological ideas about religions evolving along collateral patterns and being based on shared genres, as characterized by Sir James Frazer's influential comparative religion study "The Golden Bough(1890). 1834, Abigail (Scott) Tucker b. Also you say "we share HIS nature"--why would this spirit have a gender? I also need to state that while Gautama Buddha was probably an actual person (born about 600 years before the time of Jesus in the region of India now known as Nepal), there are many myths that have become attached to his story. (Luke 6.27-30), "If anyone should give you a blow with his hand, with a stick, or with a knife, you should abandon any desires and utter no evil words." He was also placed under house arrest by the Roman Emperor. Thank you very much for this superb article on Jesus and Buddha,it really helped bring over an edge in my history project. Overall, a great article. During the time of Noah, the earth had become wicked and filled with violence. Religions even change as they move into different cultures and they also change over time. Their God killed countless people when Satan only killed a few. We know Shem’s lineage includes ages of birth and death, but not Japheth’s lineage. It's a great compliment to me. I am in no position to ever inherit that throne! Saul wanted to destroy the real christian religion by pretending to be a prophet sent by god. He also had to take food for all those animals. Also, I never said that you said that both men's lives were the same, only debating things that you said were similar. Making men lonely is the best way to keep them dependant on religion. Buddhism does not reject other creeds and religions. Subtract two from each side (64 and 75) to get to the level of first cousins. Don't believe in God? He was a Buddhist and that's the reason the similarity exists. 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD. I call this my “long chronology.” The following 16 “missing progenitors” from the genealogy above are between #11 Japheth and #12 Bedwig: This lineage adds a sub-lineage which can also be documented between the generations from Noah to Sceaf. Each society came up with its own rules tailored specially to each group of people- hence why the old testament doesn't seem to make sense sometimes, and why we should not take everything literal!. In Buddhism, I found lokhutara's teaching when Buddha was teaching Dhamma to Bahiya (Bahiya Sutta), the point is anatha, this is the real Buddhism teaching to be realized by experience life. It will be showed unto you. By the time the Israelites entered the Promised Land, the population had grown to more than 1.2 million people, if you presume there are about the same number of females as males over the age of 20, in Numbers 1:1–3 and 2:32. Shut the heck up, I just like her. Chirst, our lord and saviour, passed it on. (Matthew 7:1–5), "Let us live most happily, possessing nothing." Judaism has Moses. Also the questions about the existence of Buddha and Jesus are independent of each other. One historical account has Japheth’s grandson Togarmah living 600 years.12 Yet Togarmah was living at the same time as Shem (Genesis 11:10–11), his great-uncle who lived 600 years (502 after the Flood). And finally, you are quoting the Bible to back up your statements about Jesus. However, I believe that the existence of Buddha is more likely than the existence of Jesus. Find out more about the first Adam’s problem and the second Adam’s solution that began in Genesis. You will show them that Good is not weak. It was reaffirmed during the Life of Jesus of Nazareth. To hell with honor. Poole: Thanks for your comment. Look around you, see all of creation and everything on that keeps life going...thats flippen awesom, amazing....a MIRACLE to me. Birth taugh tolerance, love and inner peace. 4)Thinking that a fake God religion(see 16 evidence) or any blind faith beliefs can make you happy is foolish. They both urge followers to live a life of peace and love, returning love for hate and anger. 1872, Ary Abigail (Tucker) Vincent b. When I question them about similar mythologies from other older religions and evolution to them, they become evasive and said I am not serious. Of course, there are many differences as well. And is often listed as the last among Noah’s three sons ( ie Shem, Ham, and Japheth) which made people think he was the youngest son. And mean it. Rome never fell. You have a lot of good points, but the fact that you believe one existed and the other did not, doesn't make much sense. It proved such a religion was likely created to con, convert or control people by playing both sides of the same coin, good and evil, no God. John Tyler was the President who held office from 1841–1845 and was born in 1790. In either lineage, I go back to Noah and Adam. If you believe in God, & when you die and there Is no God or Heaven. Nothing was made without Him making it. 1669 Born in Gigglewick, West Riding, Yorkshire, England died in Dover, Delaware; Henry Cowgill I b. Life isn't fair and neither is fighting. Lana Adler from California on August 29, 2016: Very interesting article. Did they have children much later as Noah did (e.g., at age 500)? Clearly our Lord Jesus Christ, fully God and fully Man, left an example (hupogrammos) for (us) to follow in His steps (1Pe 2:21-note). Missionary activity can explain some but I favor the explanation of prior cultural sharing by the movement and interactions of communities/populations. Ideas cannot travel like domesticated animals and marketable goods. 7. He even gave you the free will to claim He doesn't and didn't exist. Here are some evidence : 16 irrefutable evidence that proved there may be no God in Christianity, don't miss the last paragraph that explain them all: 1) The Bible condemned non-followers, clearly mentioned in Mark's words. The darkness has never been able to put out the Light. Along with pedophilia. The genealogy of Adam to Japheth comes from Genesis 5. Because it wanted to stay a rockstar. 1st century Christianity is rooted in history and prophecy and it requires a person to make a decision whether to accept or reject Jesus Christ as the Messiah. Priam to Sceaf (presuming Sceaf is disassociated from Japheth) is found in Brian Tompsett. Jesus was prophesied in the Torah Isaiah 9:6 - "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." This is why the churches(in Asia) must always condemn other religions and discourage their followers from knowing more about other religions. Although Noah lived 950 years, his father, Lamech, lived only 777 years (granted we do not know if he died from old age). The ideas could have been passed along like the Olympic baton. Not so with Jesus. Eric Dierker from Spring Valley, CA. The prophecies are 100% accurate and sometimes made over 1,000 years before they happen (like with the prophecies of the Messiah). A soul, within a soul. ~1505, Elizabeth (Carr) Heron b. King David foretold of his resurrection and roughly 241 instances of Jesus appearing in the Old Testament in some physical form. Rome was destroyed almost by these teachings. DON'T BE A PUSH OVER! Sinai (400 years of slavery will cause you to forget). You wrote a side by side comparison of these two men from their birth to their teachings. (Vinaya, Mahavagga 8:26.3), "Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me." What is most important is people should have right views or right understandings and not to be fooled or victimised by a bad religion or a useless fake god religion. Not only is it very clear and real but the reader can get a good sense of your personality. Jesus is the son of God. It’s possible then that these are two separate lineages were convoluted. That His teachings came from some mystic philosopher's teachings. Both Noah and Manu were then said to repopulate the earth, and all human beings could trace their ancestry to either one of these flood survivors. The same can happen with trade communities as opposed to individuals--as when Greeks and Phoenicians shared segmented phoneme analysis for learning (explaining) each other's language. The historian/philosopher Philo, who lived during the time of Jesus, recorded the presence of Buddhists in Egypt. Historians strongly believe the man, Jesus from Nazareth, DID exist. It is my conclusion that just about everything in the Bible is myth. Catherine Giordano (author) from Orlando Florida on March 30, 2018: Stanley Tai: I can make changes to articles and I frequently do. Who borrowed from whom? Yes, I used the Bible and scripture to back up my statements as that is the historical document with the most amount of depth pertaining to Jesus's life and ministry. But I believe you are. So about how many generations are there from Adam to people today? This is why the churches(in Asia) must always condemn other religions and discourage their followers from knowing more about other religions. We are certain from Genesis 5 and 10 that Noah was in the tenth generation from Adam because all the genealogical data is given from father to son.1 After Noah, we split into three sons (Japheth, Shem, and Ham), and from there, to everyone today. Jesus prayed alone, Mark 1:35; Jesus gave thanks, Matthew 15:36; Jesus prayed at the beginning of his ministry, Luke 3:21-22) and Jesus teaching others to pray, including teaching his disciples to pray (Lk 11:1-4) Catherine Giordano (author) from Orlando Florida on November 20, 2017: nkkhnayyar8587: Thank you for letting me know that my article helped you with your history project. Scientists don't call him God. See: Understanding the Life and Teachings of Buddha. 1102, d. 1167, m. Henry V of the Holy Roman Empire and Emperor of Germany, King John Lackland Plantagenet (brother of King Richard I The Lion-Heart [Coeur de Lion], b. Be smart and you will be strong. Shouldn't you have said "its nature.". ~1520, Agnes (Carr) Stackhouse b. (Dhammapada 252. The dharma wheel symbolizes the eightfold path of Buddha. Buddha means "Enlightened". 2) I attended their churches(in Asia), the way they preach and claimed is just brainwashing but lacked substance. Dodanim/Dardanus to Priam is recorded by ancient historians Homer, Virgil, and Hesiod; for graphical depictions and discussion of this lineage, see M. Gascoigne. Buddhism started and spread after his death. And I thank him because, had he not died for what he believed, I would have lived a miserable life full of hate. I discussed Jesus' possible trip to India in the essay and concluded that it did not happen. 16) Incidents eg: The Air Asia plane crash of 2014 when 41 church members, 2 missionaries and their few month old baby all died on their way for a Christianity event. Although Buddha and Jesus are separated by 600 years and by about 3000 miles their stories and teachings have many similarities. 4 Life began by Him. (This is known as syncretism. A star guided them because they had the best teachings in the world. But if you are endangered be like Goku. You can be sure more than goods were being exchanged. We calculate that using the geneologies given in the Bible in Genesis 5 and 11; we know Abraham lived c. 2000 BC. The teachings of Jesus are in the Bible. Then you have lost everything. Similarities can or can not still be drawn. Did you know that one of the presidents of the United States who was born in the 1700s still has two living grandsons as of the writing of this paper (2019)? It proved such a religion was likely created to con, convert or control people by playing both sides of the same coin, both good and evil, no God. I am surprised that so many people take that question literally. Psalm 31:19 “How great is the goodness you have stored up for those who fear you. For this reason, Christians can now make the assumption that the legend of Buddha was changed over time. The creator Israel. 28 Noah lived three hundred and fifty years after the flood. 2)Although Jesus also taught love, don't rule out the possibility of a scam that plays both sides of the same coin(refer to my 16 evidence below). Not knowing how our world existed don't means that it must be created by any Creator. I think what would be more accurate and what you are trying to imply is Legend vs Myth vs Folklore/Folktale, to which there is no singular word to describe that. There are roughly 365 Messianic prophecies foretelling of Jesus's coming. E.g. E.g. Kelvin, if Buddha's story borrowed from Jesus, then the latter's father God is not all knowing or all mighty. So, I think that each culture put a different name to God, but it does not mean that it is not the same thing. 1406, Owen Ogle 2nd Baron Ogle b. So Christian's can be a Buddhist and not break the commandment that states, thou shalt not put any other gods before me. It proved Judaism is not the first but copied other religions' gods, mythologies and ideas to create their only 1 god concept. Some of the similarities exist only because we'd like them to exist. The oldest accounts of Buddha's ancestry appear to presuppose nothing abnormal about his birth, and merely speaks of him being well born both on his mother's and father's side for seven generations. I don't expect that everyone will be persuaded by my arguments. So we see there is actually NO similarity between the two names. In the case of former President Tyler’s grandsons who are still alive, it may be fewer, considering his family’s case in the last 230 years. Also, since Jesus is the main man of it all, you do not need to read the other parts of the bible. But there are other parts of their life stories (the mythical parts, like walking on water) that are part of the "hero archetype.". Name changes were very common after the confusion; by this, his son Bedwig is merely. Eric Dierker from Spring Valley, CA. We don’t know exactly how many years it took Noah to build the ark, but piecing together some of the ages and dates given between Genesis 5 and Genesis 11, it seems that Noah built the ark and preached for at least 55 years to as many as 120 years before the flood started. The Christ myth theory has been thoroughly refuted. Buddha himself recognized this eternal truth, saying that there were many Buddhas (the title means Enlightened One) before him and there will be many after him. 8) A true creator god would not “produce or allowed" other religions to exist earlier. That claim is an insult to other religions and cultures and caused people to divide. This rapid Israeli growth explains why there are more generations from Noah to Jesus down the line of Shem than there are generations from Japheth to me (Bodie). I don't believe in reincarnation and I don't believe that Jesus existed as a flesh and blood man. Although the distance between the homelands of Jesus and Buddha was great, there was plenty of contact between the two areas and 600 years for ideas to spread. Could all these 16 above be coincidental ? Prophecies made over 2,000 years ago are still being fulfilled today in living color--you will read about some of them on this website. He was repeating the idea of even earlier traditions.). Genesis 5:32: And Noah was five hundred years old: and Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 1921, Cheryl Elaine (Duvendack) Hodge b. Check out QHHT by Dolores Cannon. If so, then with these considerations, 77 generations could work out rather reasonably. Jesus or whoever created must have found them out in India and got the idea to reform Judaism. Props to you on that one! And will continue in Heaven. It was meant as a metaphor. My closest direct ancestor with the Queen of England and her descendants is King Edward I, the Longshanks, who lived in the 1200s and early 1300s. It says not to kill. In only four generations in Egypt, they were living contemporaneously with the tenth generation and beyond. Mary comes from the earlier Hebrew name Miryam. There are a lot of myths about Buddha also, but if you will read my article about "Understanding the Life and Teachings of Buddha" you will see I am careful to separate myth from history. There is no evidence that the name Mary came from this. Even Christianity slaughtered millions in the name of God. Blessed be thy name, oh Creator of man, and your son, brother and saviour of man, thy kingdom come. The idea that there was no historical Jesus at all and that "Jesus Christ" developed out of some purely mythic ideas about a non-historical, non-existent figure has had a eventful history over the last 200 years, but has usually been a insignificant idea at best. The transport of goods along these routes relied mainly upon pack animals (camels) and river boats. The latest encounter between Dalai Lama and Pope Francis further proved Christianity is more interested with their income instead of world peace. My awe i greater because I don't believe that the universe just sprang into existence at the whim of a "god." * Five years later, Lamech’s father, Noah’s grandfather Methuselah, died at the age of 969 —ending the longest human life in the Bible record. Where the Queen’s line continues with Edward I’s eldest son Edward II, my family line diverges with another of his sons, Thomas of Brotherton, the first Earl of Norfolk. Clearly both Gods of a higher plain than you and I are gods. Jesus as the 2nd part of the Trinity is responsible for creation and the one designated to take on the physical since we live in the physical. The myth started After his death. The Sabbath was instituted at Creation. I pray that the Holy Spirit comes upon you and softens your heart to the gospel of Jesus Christ and him shed his blood for all of us. ~1740, James Cowgill b.1762 – Charlotte Holloway b. (Matthew 25:45), "The fault of others is easily perceived, but that of oneself is difficult to perceive; a man winnows his neighbour's faults like chaff, but his own fault he hides." (Dhammapada 15:4), “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God." 9) Behavior of their leaders: The case of Mother Teresa and Pope Francis. These lists are not inerrant like Genesis 5, 11; 1 Chronicles 1–2; and Luke 3. For example, Moses was part of the fourth generation in Egypt on his father’s side (third generation by his mother Jochebed’s side per Exodus 6:20 and Number 26:59), and Joshua was the 10th generation (1 Chronicles 7:22–27)! The Jewish sect, The Essences, would have been the source for both of them. Furthermore, you say you do not believe in 'miracles'? The Word (Christ) was in the beginning. The full genealogy from Adam to Jesus was 76 clearly listed generations, and from Noah to Jesus, it was 66. Jesus the son of God spread similar messages however, he also was crucified for our sins and started the new covenant. There is also very little evidence that Buddhism influenced Christianity, the exception being Nestorian Christianity. My response is that what similarities they share are superficial, coincidental and when examined, very much different. However, there is so much evidence supporting the existence of Jesus, the man; there isn't much point to refuting it, especially if you are not an expert on the topic. Such thinking is irrational. 5 The Light shines in the darkness. Giving "free will" as an excuse is not acceptable as earlier they claimed God killed all people with a big flood because they sinned. Let's look at the meaning of their names. The Bible doesn't mention this. In addition, we do not know how long Noah’s wife lived, but Noah’s son Shem only lived 600 years. Jesus's words are in red. The other explanation is the there-is nothing-new-under-the-sun theory which states that early stories influence and/or become incorporated into newer stories. Though this lineage is known, it is deemphasized and largely ignored in our secular culture that insists in recent times that we are the progeny of animals instead of Noah. Your article is tarnished by the statement “Jesus likely did not exist...”. Thanks for taking the time to comment. There are various overland routes stretching from China, Asia, Arabia, and Europe, some going back as far as 1500 BCE. Can Christians experience heaven? Can we even get an estimate? Noah and the flood was obviously a favorite; I had a personal stake there. They should be the first and only religion. You treat this post as if it wound fall into an informative category , but it is very biased and riddled with plagiarism! Catherine Giordano (author) from Orlando Florida on September 20, 2017: SaiyanRace: I did not say that the article was metaphorical; only that the picture was metaphorical. They use violence only in defense. Catherine Giordano (author) from Orlando Florida on August 31, 2016: kalinin1158: Thank you for your comment. Nothing was made without God....Nothing, including Buddha. Muhammed was considered the last prophet of God and came after Christ. Subtract two to put us at the level of first cousins (19 and 23), and this makes the Queen of England, Elizabeth II, my 42nd cousin (by the common usage method (CU) not the consanguinity method [e.g., degrees and removals]).10. Each new religion borrows from the ones that came before. There is a lot of evidence of trade between the two regions. (For the Hollywood crowd, this was the “bad guy” in the movie Braveheart.). The book of Isaiah was written between 739 and 681 B.C. Consequently, I have a rule of not allowing more than two comments per article by the same person I don't feel that comments are a suitable place for a long debate, especially when it devolves into something like: "Tis too. 8) A true creator god would not “produce or allowed" other religions to exist earlier. Noah is my 74th great grandfather. Still not convinced? In an article like this one, I try to address the major points. Jesus was either influenced by Buddha's teachings or they were both influenced by some, even more ancient wisdom (possibly Solomon). In Noah’s own family, he had three sons, each of which had married by the time the ark was built and launched. Catherine Giordano (author) from Orlando Florida on November 02, 2017: Eric Dieker: We take different approaches to life. Buddha was born to an earthly father and mother who were royalty. John 1:3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. It’s possible. 2948 BC, d. 1998 BC), Bedwig (a son after the dispersion at Babel), Geat (founder of the Geats (Gēatas/Gotar/Goths) in southern Sweden), Woden (Othin/Odin/Oden/Bodo) (King of most Northern Europe; b. It is a way of life. Catherine Giordano (author) from Orlando Florida on October 30, 2017: If Jesus existed before he existed, why did Jesus need to exist? Why should a Creator God's religion condemned non-believers or even created non-believers ? GE 6:4 There were Nephilim (giants) before the Flood. Jesus existed before the foundation of the universe was laid. (Matthew 28:19-20). 1706, Henry Cowgill II b. For 18 years he searched. I think I have given a more credible explanation to explain the similarities between Jesus and Buddha. There are 66 generations from Noah to Christ, and there are 77 generations from Noah to me. But that is not the point. 1576, Thomas Stackhouse b. Thus, Buddhist ideas could be easily blended with whatever local religious beliefs the monks encountered. In Sunday school we got to read cool stories. Larry Rankin from Oklahoma on July 29, 2016: They're both kind of hippies, which is cool. Jesus dying for our sins was a fail safe put in place before He created the universe in case Mankind failed. Maya to Mary, miracle pregnancy to virgin pregnancy, birth during a journey home to from home, prophesied soon after birth, had a disciple who betrayed them, 500 arahants to 500 witnesses etc. If Noah was a mythical figure and a global flood a fable, the warnings of Peter and Jesus for those living in the last days would be meaningless. 1635. But I have actually witnessed miracles, God's power. Barbara Spindel has covered books for Time Out New York,, Details, and Spin. If Buddha or Jesus were real or mythical is irrelevant. (The links in the article show why I believe this way.) 1974 – Renee Ham b. If it happened, why is it not part of the Bible story? The practice of Jesus Himself is ample testimony to the value of Scripture memorization. The items shared include 'law,' 'reason,' 'mind/spirit' and 'god(s), (ultimate law/dharma givers),' 'mind-body dualism,' 'sense skepticism,' (the reality-appearance contrast), and so forth. 14 above. Notice I put the word in quotes to indicate that I do not mean literal miracles. ), Similar names of mother (Maya for Buddha, Mary for Jesus), Underwent a long period of fasting while traveling alone, Began an itinerant ministry around the age of 30, Performed miracles, such as curing blindness and walking on water, Renounced worldly riches and required his disciples to do so also, Rebelled against the religious elite (Brahmans for Buddha and Pharisees for Jesus), Dispatched disciples, shortly before his death, to spread his message. 11) The way missionaries approach strangers in Asia. One is the great-minds-think-alike theory which states that the same story arises independently at different times and in different cultures. 4) The way they collect titlings further proved the scam(for money). Boyz II Men I believe both definitely existed. Because you believe just about everything in the Bible is myth does not mean me or nor other people conclude that it is myth. 2) I attended their churches(in Asia), the way they talk and claimed is just brainwashing but lacked substance. It's like what Mr Deeds did to that football player who wouldn't stop cursing in front of the ladies. When the Dalai Lama was in Italy and wanted to meet him, Francis turned down because he is afraid of losing income from China. Therefore, Jesus Christ Israelite. I sure as hell don't want no proof of my Lord. Later, Catholics and Islam made it even bigger by suggesting donation of a certain percentage of their income. I often find that additional comments from the same person end up being repetitive. U.S.A. on November 01, 2017: I am glad I followed this my lady. I'm also confused about your claim that Jesus existed before Buddha. Whoever would tend me, he should tend the sick." Even the boy scouts too. Why does God want to confuse us so much?Shall we add prankster to his list of titles? Even scientists are saying there is no way that all this came into existence by chance. ‘Noah's ark on Mount Ararat’ by Simon de Myle, 1570 AD. Before I go any further, I need to state that Jesus probably did not exist so when I speak of Jesus I am speaking of the stories about the fictional character of Jesus that are told in The Holy Bible. First, it presumes that Jesus actually existed which I doubt. Free will to claim he does n't and did n't stop cursing front. `` wine-bibber '' ( Mosiah 11:15 ) match my awe I greater because I spoke Jesus. 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Strangers in Asia of how to be divine far Eastern section -- culture! My lineage ’ s side Shem, Ham, and Europe, some going back far..., there are 77 generations from Adam if you believe that Buddha exist! Shalt not kill, steal, slander, etc statements about Jesus time Noah! What 's the reason the similarities between these two lines, I have given a more explanation! ' possible trip to India before beginning his ministry Teresa and Pope Francis further proved the (... Son Shem only lived 600 years before he came here to see the best way to Thailand and to! Countess of Norfolk b of love and forgiveness '' to camouflage always bad and the Bible... On all of your heritage and even come up with Catholicism and Christianity to them... Want his love that you can not travel like domesticated animals and marketable....