Either I couldn't cast if far enough, or I cast as far as it would go before a web of overspun monofilament clogged the reel. Just by simply holding your reel correctly, you can easily add 20-30 yards of casting distance. If you're about to learn to cast a baitcaster or you want to improve specific casts like skipping baits with a baitcaster, there is a way to minimize the frustration during the process. Cast and control the spool with your thumb. If you have a sinker or bobber attached to the line, it should be 6 to 12 inches from the rod tip instead. For this to happen, you need to go down in power. Speed is another advantage… I can reel in and shoot much faster than spinning. Since the spool spins with a baitcaster, the longer and smoother it spins, the longer the cast will be. By making sure it's in the middle when you click the thumbar to cast, you will have less friction on the reel. The model’s pins are like levers so beginner doesn’t have any problem casting them. That's the pattern when casting with a baitcaster with your thumb only. That's what causes overrun (backlashes). Feel how much more powerful the rod loads and unloads. Those injuries are caused by overextension on tens of thousands of casts a year. Push the thumb bar. Reel the line in until your bait or lure is 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 centimeters) from the rod tip. Don’t go so light you’ll risk breakoffs, but top anglers routinely fish diving plugs on 10 or 12-pound line to get maximum casting distance. When the bait starts to barely fall, start training your thumb. If you have your gear properly set up, casting will be a simple matter of practice. Learning how to cast a baitcaster isn't hard; it just takes a little practice. If the spool tension is set correctly, this will allow the lure to drop down to the ground, but when it … The benefits of using a baitcaster are huge, learning to use one properly will quickly pay off. Fluorocarbon Fishing Line . Hey i got a Quantum Tenacity AP baitcasting rod & reel combo for christmas. Advertisement . Im not using a very heavy lure, but its a lure that i always use with my spinning reel so i thought id give it a try. Now you are going to have to thumb harder at the very start of the release. If you’d rather hold the rod behind the reel when you retrieve, switch hands when you cast. Which in turn, saves me money. He doesn’t go lighter than 50 because thinner braid tends to dig into the line layers under it and causes backlash problems. Long casts also come in handy anytime schoolers pop up on top. It’s a slightly annoying process, but experienced fishers will tell you that it’s quick and easy once you adapt to it. Let the rod load and unload without swinging your arms back and forward. The simplest thing you can do to increase your distance with baitcasters is by training your thumb to be the brakes. The key is to let the spool spin under your thumb but maintain feel so that no loops begin to form. Use The Right Rod/Reel. Guys like Kevin VanDam have mastered this which is one of the reasons he catches more bass than the average guy on a deep crankbait. site: sports | ptype: stories | pageType: stories | Newer reels like the new Daiwa TWS line of reels, use an open port system to alleviate the line guide friction on the cast. Now that you have set up your baitcasting reel, it’s time to learn how to cast a baitcaster. Start with the tension tight. – photo by Tim Allard Backyard Casting Practice. Then you can reduce tension and brakes and have a freer spinning spool. Casting with Proper Fishing Line. Many anglers, however, are not optimizing their reels and their technique to get the most casting distance when bass fishing with casting reels. Step 1, Reel in the line. Eventually you want to turn them all down to achieve maximum distance. At this point, the reel should be facing the sky. When casting heavier lures, a longer leash can give you many more yards on your cast. They all need to be perfectly in sync to get the most out of each product. Well, when i cast my line using my baitcast reel it only goes about 20 yrds. There are a few possible causes that you might consider checking: 1. Check out Aaron Martens tips on avoiding arm injuries in fishing. Start With Monofilament Line . Casting distance, as well, should be one of them. Fluorocarbon’s main advantage is they are sensitive and invisible underwater. Both enjoyment wise but also financially. Then hold out your rod and press the thumb bar of your baitcaster to release the clutch. In order to set it correctly, first tie your lure to the end of the line. Even after you are an advanced angler, you will continue to use this technique, especially when casting in wide-open spaces that require distance casting. As always thank you for watching. Baitcasting Reel Tips . section: | slug: 8-tips-to-more-baitcaster-distance | route: article_single | Here are the top three ways to maximize your casting distance: 1. If you're about to learn to cast a baitcaster or you want to improve specific casts like skipping baits with a baitcaster, there is a way to minimize the frustration during the process. You should be holding the rod behind the reel with your thumb resting over the reel spool. The casting drag may be set to high. Casting Your Fishing Rod the Right Way . On the serious side I do complete in bait casting competition for distance & accuracy; at 75 yds I can consistently put my lure in a 2' diameter circle. In freshwater casting, the stretch may range from 30 to 40 yards. Anglers spending hundreds of hours on the water a year often encounter forearm and elbow injuries. They all need to be perfectly in sync to get the most out of each product. This is the St. Croix Legend Xtreme, which is only a 7-foot rod, but it has a very, very fast tilt. As such, here is a compilation of the best tricks I've found to get more out of your casting reels. Because the spool itself un-spins the line from the spool, there is not the friction you have with a spinning reel spool. How far should I be able to cast a line with a baitcast reel. However, when someone new uses baitcasting reels, it isn’t as easy or natural. Braid allows the spool to spin faster, making it more efficient. Pay attention to the weight rating on the rod – and use lures that fall into the approved range. Baitcasting rods are designed the same as … For tournament grading, we have a record of up to 300 hundred. Learning to cast a baitcaster can be tricky at first, but with practice, you will get the hang of it in no time at all. There’s a bit of a science to holding your baitcasting reel properly. The braid, says Ashley, gives better lure action and far better hook sets because there’s no stretch. Lighter line will also help your plugs attain steeper and deeper dive curves. The Overhead Cast technique, commonly considered as the basic fly-fishing cast method, is the easiest cast with which to start. You are still letting the line spin under your thumb but you have a bit more pressure because the startup inertia of the spool is going to be initially faster than the lure is going to pull the line off of the reel. As a result, right-handed casters would need to make a cast and then switch hands so that they could crank the reel with their dominant hand. Please subscribe if this video helped you!!!! You must do this or you will get rat nests. I have been practicing with it and i cant seem to cast it very far. Learning this, coupled with these other tips, will give you the maximum casting distance when bass fishing with baitcasters. Up until recent years, almost all reels were made with the handle on the right side. For surfcasting, it is possible to cover a range of 60 to 100 yards. How to Cast a Baitcaster. The old right-hand… That being said with the right attachment and little technique you can achieve good casting distance even with a light lure. Remember this when spooling up – the same plug on the same rod and reel will cast farther with 12-pound test line than it will with 20, and so on. But consider this: are you casting 60 yards? Some anglers can cover more. Baitcaster reels offer better line control than spinning reels, allowing for more accurate casts. For those that learn easier visually, watch our short video on how to cast a bait casting reel.And check out this great tip for learning how to cast a baitcaster without backlashing. The Ebony Anglers: Black History in the Making, The 5 Must See Moments From The Unchartered Fishing Series, 4 Bass Lures You NEED In Your Winter Tackle Box, Fishing First Aid: What You Need To Know And What You Need To Bring, How To Find Winter Largemouth Bass In Open Water. Use too light of a rod and it won’t have the power to propel the bait a long distance. All the way down to a bass's mouth! I suffer greatly from severe tendonitis in both of my forearms. Skipping the previous steps will result in unsatisfactory results while casting. Baitcaster reels offer better line control than spinning reels, allowing for more accurate casts. I’m also using the Concept TX reel, from 13 Fishing. That's 180 feet. Fishing with baitcasters definitely has advantages. So if you want to throw a 1/4 or 3/8 ounce lure farther, go down to a medium-power rod from a medium-heavy power rod. How Far Should You Be Able To Cast A Baitcaster? Then hard again at the end of the cast to feather the lure into the water softly and stop the line before the lure actually hits. Backlash isn't a problem at all for me. How far can you cast a baitcaster? That is the sign the reel spool is spinning faster than the lure is pulling line off the reel. You have to control that with early pressure then back off your thumb as the lure gets farther from you. Brake the reel spool with your thumb just before it reaches the water. All you need to do is reduce the amount of overrrun. The down side is you need to adjust the baitcaster controls for every type of lure and weight you put on. How to Cast a Baitcaster. But if you just want to read how to do it let's start with the tension knob. You essentially thumb hard at first, not completely, but harder than you do in the middle of the cast. Be the first to rate this post. Casting light lures far is indeed a little tough since you don’t get the control you get from heavy lures. Casting distance can be an important aid in the hunt for more and bigger fish. The lure should not drop off the rod tip. There is no need to spend big bucks on one, but a cheap reel will cause problems. Because of this, I don't use backing and now a 250-yard filler spool of line will fill 4 reels instead of 2 1/2. by OTW Contributor December 12, 2019. Follow these casting steps and you will learn how to cast a baitcaster in no time. On most reels the line guide is the narrowing opening where the line comes off the spool and starts up the rod. Keep your elbows bent and tight. Another way to get more distance is to make sure your reel’s spool is full. Baitcasting distance varies depending on the sport. So I've started spooling my reels with less line. To learn more about this, please read my fine turning your reel guide. How far do you expect to be able to cast a 1/16 oz or 1/8oz lure with a baitcaster? You shouldn’t use heavy-duty fishing gear when you using a light lure. First, you need to get a good reel. Hard-soft-hard. I have a feeling you will spend more time and maybe money on a baitcaster while trying several different lines before ending up with something heavier than you would otherwise want to for the type of finesse jigs you're throwing. So going up in power with heavier lures and raring back and firing with a lot of load on the rod will launch your bait farther. So keep that in mind. In reality, casting as hard as possible is probably costing you distance due to imbalanced spool speed. I often do this with swimbaits and deep diving crankbaits to get maximum exposure on every cast. This will need to be done every time you change lures. This is a quick video for beginners, if you still want me to make a more detailed video please leave comments and questions. Baitcasters allow you to use heavier lines so they are far less likely to break. Fortunately it is a very quick process after you have already fine tuned your brakes. I use both spin and bait caster. To maximize casting distance, you need to choose the proper rod, reel, and line. I mention all that, because I had to change my casting motion as a result. i have the brake thing at one and everything. You can wrap the line around the spool as tight as possible, and it's like increasing the diameter of the spool without adding as much weight. Line depends on the anglers choice but there are four kinds of the line is famous for baitcaster reels. Too heavy of a rod is equally bad, as it won’t load properly and you’ll come up short. If it's a small spool, you need to be sure you have adequate line for long casts. Don't let a concern over backlashes keep you from learning how to cast a baitcaster. It won't cast very far at first. Press your thumb lightly against the spinning spool to “feather” the line, or slow it down smoothly and gradually. Because braid is lighter and tighter on a spool and the line diameter is often much smaller than monofilament or fluorocarbon, you can get away with less brakes on your reel, giving you greater distance and better efficiency. As the pictures above show, you want to make sure that the reel itself is facing the ground just before you rear the rod back to cast. originalDevice: deviceType:desktop, Casting a football jig is a good alternative to Carolina rig bass misses / Jason Sealock. Used my TS1200 Trulinoya If a spinning reel spool is half full, it will not cast as well because there is increased friction as the line uncoils off the spool. Cast and control the spool with your thumb. I cast texas rigged worms, 4″ Plastics, and 3/8 oz spoons just fine. Either I couldn't cast if far enough, or I cast as far as it would go before a web of overspun monofilament clogged the reel. Too heavy of a rod is equally bad, as it won’t load properly and you’ll … We are sorry that this post was not useful for you! Throwing a Baitcaster Once you have a half ounce weight on a rod with a little flex with a reel that has the brakes set right and you are facing down wind, do this: Push the release button and (while holding the spool with your thumb) take your rod over your shoulder as far as you can go (I recommend both hands). This will take training your thumb. To cast lighter lures with a baitcaster, you should aim to have a 7’4″ rod with a fast tilt. And you can’t really cast directly into the wind. When the bait starts to barely fall, start training your thumb. Use too light of a rod and it won’t have the power to propel the bait a long distance. Get simple tips on how to cast with a baitcaster, find out why a baitcaster is better for certain bass fishing techniques, and then get out to try fishing with a baitcasting reel on your own. How to cast a baitcasting reel. See Jonathan VanDam demonstrate more line on casting distance. When you first get a baitcaster, it can be intimidating to cast properly but you can learn to use one following the advice here. Stick with brand names and start with a reel in the mid-price range. They're always more to come in my adventures, hope you find this one fun and enjoyable to watch. You also don't have line rubbing on the frame from being too full. No votes so far! That would be a long, healthy cast. Now slowly turn the tension down. Before casting a baitcaster you need to properly adjust your reel to the lure. 6-keys: sports/wired2fish//// Grip the rod behind the reel with your thumb resting over the reel spool. If you do like to use backing (line under your main line so you only have to replace small sections of line), braid can be a better option for casting distance. Here is how… Pick the suitable equipment. Top three ways to maximize your casting distance can be an important aid in the boat, trees the. 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