Kapha dosha tends to consolidate, solidify, and is dense in nature. Kapha is the energy that forms the body’s structure. Kapha Dosha is the soft, yet powerful energetic force residing in the body, comprised of both the Earth and Water elements. Symptoms Of Kapha Dosha Imbalance In The Body A sweetish, metallic taste in the mouth Avoid taking naps during the day. Traits can also include sleepiness and sluggishness. They tend to have a large frame and well-developed body and, of the three types, have the most trouble maintaining a desirable weight. He is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Products, Planet Ayurveda Clinic and Krishna Herbal Company. Kapha when increased produces weak digestive activity, excess salivation, lassitude, laziness, a feeling of heaviness, white discoloration, coldness, looseness of the body parts, difficulty in breathing due to excess phlegm, cough, cold and an excess of sleep. What are the symptoms of increased Pitta Dosha? Take a powder called trikatu in a dose of ½ teaspoon mixed in 1 teaspoon of honey twice a day until symptoms disappear. Reduce heavy or sour fruits like – oranges, bananas, pineapples, figs, dates. Intake of diet which is ununctuous is recommended. The Ayurveda Experience, * Disclaimer: Please click here to see the usage of cookies. Kapha Dosha is weighty amongst all the three doshas. Heavy semisolid oil is usually cold, semi solid, heavy, viscous and has cushioning effect. A long-standing kapha imbalance can cause diabetes, anorexia nervosa, hyperglycemia, and blood or pus in the stools. Pitta Dosha generally works on the gastro-Intestinal tract, liver, skin, eyes or brain. He is spreading the knowledge of Ayurveda (Ancient healing treatment), not only in India but also abroad. The Ayurveda Experience is not liable or responsible for the suggestions made herein, as this content is meant only for educational purposes. Its increase in the body causes some or all of the following Pitta Dosha symptoms in the body- • Excessive thirst or hunger . Is your kapha out of balance?If so, you are probably experiencing some of the following signs or symptoms: 1. excess mucous 2. thick, white tongue coat 3. slow, sticky, sluggish bowel movements 4. high body weight 5. difficulty rising in the morning 6. feeling slow, foggy, dull, lethargic or heavy 7. easily attached or possessive 8. overly sentimental 9. complacent or stubborn 10. tendency for “emotional overeating” To reduce or pacify kapha, Ayurveda has given us dietary, lifestyle and herbal treatment str… Running, jumping, walking, exercise should be the part of daily schedule. Asthma, heart, and bronchitis are the main diseases related to imbalance Kapha Dosha. The common symptoms of Kapha Dosha include, Nausea; Excess salivation; Poor appetite; Digestion problems; Frequent colds; Cough and Congestion; Nasal mucus; Running nose; Sinus It keeps all joints lubricated. Use herbs like triphala, long pepper powder, neem and terminalia chebula according to the advice of your practitioner. Foods that are dry in nature, intake of less and light food, intense acting foods and medicines, hot and fresh foods, pungent foods and medicines, bitter foods and medicines, dry massages, intake of soups, fasting, rejecting all sorts of comforts help in balancing Kapha dosha. No dosha is the wrong one but imbalance in a dosha can lead to an imbalance in the quality of our lives. Kapha dosha occupies the upper half of the body. In addition, the herb also excels at lowering the buildup of ama or toxins, a byproduct of poor digestion that is commonly associated with spiking kapha dosha. The Ayurveda Experience February 18, 2016. Excess kapha can also cause the stools to be heavy, oily, pale, or sticky, and can lead to mucoid diarrhea and pre-diabetes. The contents of the educational video courses on this website are the opinions of the authors based on their learning and experiences. Being a kapha-pitta type means that these two dosha’s are predominant in your constitution. Functions. Your body will tend to be heavyset and strong, and you will enjoy excellent stamina and energy. This article is written by DR. Vikram Chauhan (MD - AYURVEDA). white discoloration, coldness, looseness of the body parts, difficulty in breathing due to excess phlegm, cough, cold and an excess of sleep. Symptoms of Kapha Imbalance: Pitta Imbalance Symptoms. Structural integrity of the body (cohesiveness to maintain a specific form/shape), immunity against diseases, maintenance of body fluids, boosting of emotions like love, compassion, forgiveness, patience, loyalty are all due to it. Take sweet fruits and watery vegetables and cereals.Sleep for 8-10 hours. By nature, Kapha is strong, grounded, solid and sturdy; however a Kapha imbalance may manifest excessive heaviness, dullness, low motivation and lethargy. 3. Kapha is a combination of the water and earth elements in Ayurveda. If so, you should read... We motivate people to be happy, stay fit, eat well and live best life via health tips on AyurHealthTips.com. When the three Dosha are in balance they assist in the healthy nourishment, repair and growth of the body and mind. Never boil honey. Signs and Symptoms Of Kapha Dosha Imbalance. Symptoms of persons having Kapha dosha But what happens when we get too much Kapha and it is getting aggravated? Use heating spices like pepper, ginger, allspice, turmeric, cinnamon, and a bit of saffron and nutmeg in food. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. Weak digestive strength – Kapha Dosha has water and solid basic elements. What is Kapha Dosha? Nothing on this website may be viewed as the diagnosis or treatment of any medical disease whatsoever. Do dry fomentation on parts that are cold. Take sweet fruits and watery vegetables and cereals.Sleep for 8-10 hours. Kapha is typically considered the stable, sturdy, gross (as in solid) and unctuous property in the body. Our bodies often become lethargic and slow without the sun’s energizing light, and our minds become foggy and dull. Cannabidiol (CBD) is the most popular cannabis extract that medical experts recommend to treat various diseases. They may go into depression, and always experience sluggishness in their day to day activities [5],[6]. A decrease of Kapha causes dizziness, a feeling of emptiness, palpitations and looseness of the joints. However, it’s important to note that Vata and Kapha types can also succumb to a Pitta imbalance, especially during Pitta season. Kapha dosha Due to its ability to strengthen the digestive fire and support healthy digestive function, chitrak is an excellent choice for those trying to balance aggravated kapha symptoms. Kapha has properties like – sturdiness, nourishment and bulkiness. Kapha personalities are ‘homebodies’ – they’re patient, caring, and supportive of their friends and family. Follow a Kapha pacifying diet. A Pitta imbalance can cause a … Take rest and use ghee, sugar and milk in your diet. Kapha body type is the stable, relaxed dosha defined by Oily, Cold, Heavy, Dull, Gooey, Soft, and Stable qualities (gunas). It’s the energy or substance that holds the body up: muscles, bones and tendons. It is present in all joints. Some of the signs of a kapha dosha imbalance are: Indigestion or weakened digestion; Feeling cold; Laziness; Sleeping too much; Depression; Itching; Swelling; Excess mucus; A white coat on the tongue; Individuals who have kapha dosha as their dominant element are the ones who are easily affected by kapha imbalances. Because of this lack of innate warmth, you become out of balance by cold foods and drinks, skipping meals, over-eating when you … Kapha Dosha Imbalance Symptoms. However, warmth can be lacking in the Vata-Kapha individual. When Kapha becomes imbalanced, however, it can manifest in your body as excess weight gain, fluid retention, and allergies. Kapha increase leads to lethargy, depression, edema, congestion, metabolic disorders, and yeast infections. Do exercise so that you sweat. Kapha confers stability, lubrication, compactness (firmness) of the joints. Results may vary from person to person. Sleshmaka kapha. Lightness (lagutva) of Vata is decreased, which causes increased heaviness of Kapha. Take sweet fruits and watery vegetables and cereals. Vata Dosha decrease leads to symptoms of Kapha increase; This is because decreased dryness of Vata causes increased oiliness of Kapha. Kapha is composed of mostly water and earth element. Its main function is to maintain compactness, moistening and cushioning. Common Symptoms of a Kapha Dosha Imbalance What is kapha dosha? The following symptoms indicate increased Kapha: Cough with sputum production; Chest congestion; Breathlessness due to accumulated mucus on the lungs; Pallor, cold and clammy skin; Excessive salivation; Laziness; Drowsiness; Aggravated Kapha Symptoms. Digestion strength is correlated to fire. Follow a regular daily routine, ideally awakening before 6 a.m. each morning. For a kapha dosha, sleep in excess is a common problem. They are not prone to quick fluctuations due to their stable personality and does not approve of change due to their comfort-prone nature. Since Kapha is inherently cold, heavy, and dense, the key to balancing Kapha is stimulation.